a r< The natsire andpra y è and gripes thenwith her legs , and ftabbes them at the heart with:(ier, fling . Wherefore the heft thing is before death corne , toufe meanes topull out the flingofdeath . And nothing will do it, but the blood of Chrifl :,1et men therefore breakeoff their finnes by repentance : let them come to the throne of grace , and crie : yea let them fill heaven and earth with cries for mercie.Ob i. pray , pray , pray' for thepardon of thine owneperfónall and particular finnes,. Ifthou obtain.e,but one dropofGods fpeciall mercy in Clrrift,all danger is pall. for deathbath loft his fling; and then aman without.dangermay putanouglySerpent. inhis bofome. The thirdmotíue is the confiderationofhis-eUate after death.When the day ofthe tall iudgement (hall be , he mill' be brought and Cet be- fore the tribunal' feat ofChrift : he (hall not be able to efcape or hide him felfe : then the booker (hall-bebrought out , and all his finnes !half bediCcovered beforeGods Saints and Angels : thedevil! and his owne confcicnce flall acculehim none Íhll beadvocate topleade Ins caule: hehire felfe !hall be fpeechleffe; he fhall at length heare the dreadful' fentence ofda rnnation , Goeyecurledinto hell ,prepared fir the devil/end . This thing might mooue thevileft Atherfi in the world to leaue his wickeçl wayes,and corne no amendment oflife. We fee the, (Iron;eft theefe. that is,, when he is ledde in the way from, the prifon to the barre , leaues bis theeying and behaues him felfe orderly. And indeede ifhe would then cut a purfe,it were high time that he were han-, ged . Ail men bynature are traytours and malefaaours againft God: whiles we line in this world, we are in the way going, to the barre of cods iudgement. The wheele ofthe heavens turnes one bout everie day ,, and windes up fotnewhat of the threed ofourlife : whether we íleepeor ,ualce weare alwayes comnring nearer our end : wherefore let all men dailyhumble them felues for their finnes ,and pray untoGod that hewould be reconciled unto them in Chrift: and let them inde- uour them felucs in obedience to all Gods commandements , both in their hues andcallings. Agame-, after the tall iudgement there remaines death eterr!all apa pointed for him : which ftandes in tiiefe three things. I. A feparation from all ioyand comfortofthe prefence of God . I I. Eternal! fellow. (nip with thedevil( and his angels, III. The feelingofthe horrible with of God , which (hall feazeupon bodie, foule , and confcienee, and (hall feede on them as fire loth onpitch and bimftone and tor- ment them as a worrnecrawling in the body,andgnawing on the heart: they (hall al vs; ayes be dying, andnever dead:al wages in woe , and never in cafe. And this death is the more grievous becaufe it is everlafting. Suppofe the whole world tobe a mountaine of land, and that a bird mutt carrie from it but one mouthfùll of fand euery thouf-nd yeares: many