à f Repentance. zz massy innumerable tioufandes ofyeares expired 'before flee will bane carried awaythe whole mountains : well, if 'a man Ihould flay in torment fo long, and thenhaue and end ofhis woe , it'veere feme com- fort : but when the bird 'hall haue carried away the mountains a thou- find times : alas, alas; a man fhall be asfarre from the endofhis an uifh and torment as ever he was . This crnfideration May fettle as an iron fcourge to driue men from theirwicked lines. Chryfoflo.newould haue tiler' in their meetings in tavernes aridfeafIes,to talkeofhell, that byof- ten thinkingonit,thëv might avoid it . A graue and'chall matrone, be- ing inooved tocommit follie with a lewd ruffian-, after long difcourfc, file called for a panneof burningcoats , reclue(Iiñg lam for her fake to holdhis finger in them but one houre ; heanfwered , that it was an un kinde request : to whom the replyed , that feeinghe would not hold fo much as-onefinger in a fewe eoales for One fmall honre , fhe could not yeeld todo thething for whichYhc.fhould be tormented body & feuk' in hell fire for ever . And fo íhould'all men reafon with therm felues, when they are about to finne . Nonewill be brought to do a thing , that may make fomuch as their finger or tooth to ake : if a manbe but to fnuffea candle, he will full flit, on his finger becaufe he can not abide theheate ofa fmall and tender flame. Thereforewe oui>httto haue great care toleaueour hnne.s,whereby we bringendleffe torment to bodyand foule in hell fire,towhich our fire is butviceiirco(npa.ri1bn. CAP. I X. Ofaworáves Eva agelicaf? Irangelicall Motives are two efpeeixally: The firf{ is taken from the confiucration of mans redeniptiän. He that redeemed tiíankinde s.Cor.s.t.' is God him felfè : as°'Paul e f iátli , that God waf n Chræst , recoscal/rr the a orldto ,'cÍfz . Mans frnne is fo vile and haynous in theeyes OfGod, that. no Angell nor creature whatfoeuer was able to appeafe the vi rath ofGod for the leaffeffence. But the fonne of Gódhimfelfe muff come dowiiefeerialheaven, and take Mani nature-On 'h'im: and not onely that, but he tuna alfefiifFerthe mofFaccurfed death Of. the croffe,and flied his miff precious ]Teart blow{ to fatisfie the itifliceòfhis Father in our behalfe. If a Either fhoulci be ficheof loch adifeaf ,'that nothingwould beakhimbutthe heart blondofhis owne child , he would prefentli°e judge' his owner fe to be danì Brous ;and wottld difo Zro, Fe if ever he recou red , to life all rneaues whereby he might avoide that difeafe . So . feeinenothingcould cure thedeadly woundof our fit=ne, but a Plaiflermade. ofthe heart blond ofChi ill :it muff makeus acknow- ledge our pitiful] cafe,and the hainouf ieffe of the least ofour finnes;and furre vs vp to newneffeof life.