Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

40; 2.3 The saw andpral`fiire Againe, confidering theend ofthe redemption wrought by Chrifl,, was to deliuer vs fromour evill converfation in finneand unrighteouf- nefle, we are not to continue and as it were liebathing oi.w +slurs in tin; for that were, as if a prifoner, after that hehad bene ranfiyned andhad his bolts take off,Sc were put out ofthe prifon to go whither he would, fnould returne againe, and delire to lie in the dungeon Rill. The secondmotiue is,that God bath made a promife to rich as true- Ifs..t 6,t8. l yrepent. L Ofremillion offnnes,Wafhyou, makeyou tisane, takeaway the evil/ ofyour works from before wine eyes: ceafe to do tvill, &c. Though yourlinnet were ascrimfon, they!hall bemade as white aefnow : though they Ifi.gS.6,8. were redlike fcarlet, theyfhall be at wool ". And , Seek! the Lordwhile he may befound,callvponhim while he is mere. Let the wickedforfake, his waies, and the unrighteoushis owne imaginations, and returnevnto the Lord, and bewillhaue mercieon him, for he isveryplentifulIinforgiving. II. Of life Exec.i8. everlafting. Iwill not the death ofa fnner, but rather that he repent and Amos.S.4 hue. And, Thim faith theLord vnto the hotafeoflfraell, Seekeye ene, and Jye fhall live. M. I. Ofmitigating or remouing temporali calamities. Stand lere. 26.3. in the court ofthe Lords houfe andf flea evnto allthe cities ofJudah, &c. lf fo be they willheark,en andturne every manfrom his evil" way, that I may re- pentme ofthe plague which I have determined tobring vpon them, becaufe of r.Cor,i 1.31. the wick dnefe oftheir workes. And, Ifwewould iudgeour f lves, we(hoseld not beiudged,that is, afllittedwith temporal"puniihments. I ioynewith the removingof temporali calamities themitigatingof them: becaufe they are not alwaies taken awaywhen the partie repen- 2.Sam.12.14 teth. After Davids repentance the child dyeth , and the (word departs not from his houle.And theProphet Micha brings in the people hum- blirtg themfelves before Godunder a temporali punifiarnent.flying, I Micah. 7.9. will beare thy wrath , becaufe 1 have finned againfl thee. And it is Gods pleafure that thechafhifement (hall remaine.after the partie is reconci- led tohim, that he mayby that meanes beadmonifhedofhis finne, and be anexample toothers. As Godbath made there mercifull promifes topenitent fanners,fo he bath faithfully perfourmed them , fo foone as they haue but begun to x.Sam.1 z.12 repent. Example ofDavid. Then 'DavidfaiduntoNathan, / havefinned a ainff the Lord. ssgndNathanraidto `Davtd,Tbyfnne isforgiventhee. Of 2.Chr.33. ta. ManafÍes, Whenhe way intribulation heprayedunto the Lordhis God, and humbledhisnftlfe greatly before theLordGodofhisfathers, andprayedunto him: andGodwas intreatedofhim, andheardhispraier.Of thePublicane, Luk18.t3 ThePublicane, &c.fmote his breaf:, fayinó,®Godbe merciful/to me fn- ner : Itellyou,. this man depart ediiafiiifaed to his haute,' rather then theother. Tuk23 4i :43 Of the thiefe. Heraidunto !epee, Lord, remember me , when thou commefir to thy&:ngdome. Then lefr laid unto hints, Verily, 1 fayunto thee, to day ¡halt thou be withme inparade f . Having