Themature aid praaLL fe when theyare dying, iris to be feared lealt it die with them. 'Añct it is very loft, that he fhould be contemnedofGod in his death, who con- temned God in his life. Chryfoftotne faith, that the wicked man bath this punifhtnent on him , that in dying he fhould forget hi+nfelfe who when hewas living did forget God. VI. Weare withAbel togive un- to God in sacrifice even the fat ()Four flocke : now they which deferre repentance to the end do the contrarie. Late repenters offer the flower of their youth to.thedive!! : and theybring the lame and broken facri- ficeof their oldage toGod. CAP. XI. OF CERTAINE CASES IN Repentance. L Cafc ofa `Revolt. VVNether a man that hathprofefl'ed Chrift and his religion , yet afterward in perfecutiondenies Chrift, and forfweares the re- ligion, may repent and be Paved, Anfìvere. It is a grievous estate yet a Leanmay cone to repentance afterward. Manaf es fell away to idolatry 2.Chr.33. and witchcraft; and yet was received tomercie. So did wife Salomon;. and yet nodoubt recovered, and is received to lifeeverlaftín.. My tea. fon is,becaufe Godvouchftfed him tobea penman ofCome, partsofho- ly fcripture.And the fcriptures werewritten not by fuch as were men of a.Pet.t.zi i God only, but by fuch as were holymenof god. Peter denied Chrift of knowledge against his owne confcience,and that withcurlingand ban- ning: and yescame to repentanceafterward,as appeiresby the tabula- 1.111(,:a.3z neof Chrift;l haveprayed;for theedrat thy.faithf,:ilenot therefore when thou art convertedflrenythenthy brethren. Obiec . I. Math. to. 33. Who(Geyerfballdense me before men, himwill des i before myfather which i6 in h.eaven. An/were. Theplace is only to be underfloocl Of fucha deniall ofChrifl which is final!. ObieR. II. is impoilible that theywhich were once lightened, and havetafedof the heavenlygift, Ow. if theyfaIaway Aouid be rcnued by repèntaiace. AndHebr.,t 0.26. Ifwe f nne wailingly after that we have re- ceived theknowledge ofthe truth, there romaines no more feerifce forfine rAnfwere.Thefe places muff be understoodofthe fin which is to death: in which risen ofdefperate malice against Chrift,univerfallyand whol-, ly fall away from religion. For the KG-ma faith not, iftheyfail, but °s«041,1W0 a'ifthe away. And it is added, that they c, tici f: thefonne:ofGod, and 116.6.6. make a mocke ofhine,that they trample under foote thefònne ofGod,that they. Heb.t0.29. account the blo. d.ofthenewtefamentanunhoything: that theyde.iifethe. averle.g6, f irìt o f C. jodAnd the word tranflated 6 wiatviy,imports fomnwhat more, w s. z ameiy,to fïnne becaufe a man will,that is, wilFullv,The lilcg anfwere is to