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OfRepentance. 26 tó be given to the queftion,whereby it is demanded whethermenover- taken with theunnatural! finnes mentioned Rom.i.24,25,w6.meycome to repentance afterward or no; namely,that although the finnes behay.. nous and capital!, yet the graceofrepentance is not do yed: as appearts in theexample ofthe Corinthians. r.Cor.6.9,i o,r i. 11. Cafe ofRecidivation. .' / Nether the childoft God after repentance for fame grievous v fitne, do into the fame a aàne , and came to repentance the fecond time. 4n(ivere. Thecafe is dangercus,aswe may fee by cot;i- parifon in the bodàe. Hone fail into the relapfe ofan ague or anyother flrongdifeafe, it may colt himhis life and the recoverie will be vezy hard. Chrift laid to the man that hadbene fcke eight and thirtieyeares, after that hehadhealed him, :3ehold,thou art whole, fìnneno more /evil- a Ioh.S.rrt. v orfe thing befallthee. And the uncleane fpirit returning takes c ro Linz o- therfeven (pi4its wort then h Tè f .Indeed wefind no particular exam- Luk.r i.:6. pie ofrecoverie after a relapfe;in the fcriptures ; yet nodoubta recovery may he.Reafons are thefe. I. Promife is made of remit-lion of finnes in Chrift without any tearineof time:without any limitation to anynuni- ber or kinds offinne: fave only the blafphemieagainff the holy Ghoft. Therfore theremay berepentance & falvation aftera relapfe. IL Chrift Aft 10.43. telsPeter that he muff forgiue,not till.lèventimes only ( which perad- venturehe thought ro be very much)but, fevcntie/Zven ttnaes,and that in Lu'k.i7,4, oneday, ifone returne fevenrie times and fay, it repents me,Now ifwe natift do this, which hauenot fomuch as a dropofnzercie in us in corn- pardonof God :liewill nodoubt often forgiue, even for one fnne , if men will returne and fay, it repents irre confàdering that with him is Pfal.T30 7. ptentt ull redemption, and he is much in(paring.. 111. (aft ofZeiitterrion: VV Hallerhe that repents. is to make reflitution if he have to kenany thingwrongfully from his neighbour?Anfraere.Yea: Zacheus, when herepented and receivedChrift, gavehalfeofhis goods to the poore, andif hehadtakenany thing by.foreedcavtilation,be refioredLuk.rg.8, itfourefold. It is but a bad pratfewhen aman on his ..death-bed will very devoutly bequeath his foule to God., and his goods evil! gotten (as his confeience will often cry in his care) to.his children and friends, without either reftitution or amends making. Queftion. But whit a manbe not able to reffore? nfwere. Lethim acknowledge the fault, and God will accept the will for the deede. As Paxile fyth in the like cafe : 1 f there beawilling mind, tt ùaccepted to that which a mana.Cor,s:r 2 bath , and not according to that which he bath not. effion. When a man by ref}oring ((,all difcredite him ; Bowe (hall he ref-tom f