Ecd9Z. 27 The nature acrd pram and keepehis credite? finfwvere. Let him (ifthe thing to be reflored be offinall moment) make choice offame faithful! or honefl friend, who may deliver the thing in.the behalfe of the partie, concealing his name. tef ion. Howafthe parties be dead? xiymere. Let him reflore to the heiresand fucceffors : ifthere benone, let him reflore toGod, that is,to the Church and the poore. I V. Cat of teares. ) .Netherdoth repentancealwaies go with tearesor not? A/fiver. Y Y Ño `: -For very prideand hypocrifie will draw forth teares,And Tome there are, that can weepefor their fnnes in the pretence of others,, whereasbeing alone, they neither will nor can. Some againe are ofthat conftitutionofbodie , that they haue teares at commaund. And a god- ly man with dry cheekes maymourne toGod for his finnes,and intreat for pardon, and receiue it. Yet inall occa1ions ofdeeper griefe for fume, teares will follow: unleffe men haue flonie and flinty hearts. Andyet againe though the greatefl cauleof forrow be offered, the foftefl heart that is fheds not teares at the firfl, but afterwards it will. When thebá- die receiuesadeepe wound, at the firfl ye fhaI1 fee nothing but a white line or dint made in the fie(h, withoutany blood : flaybut a while, then comes blood from the wound in great aboundance. So at the firfl the mind is aftonífhedand gluesno teares : butafter Tome refpite and con- fideration, teares follow. V. cafeofdeath. WHether the repentant firmer can alwayes (hew himfelfe com- fortable on his death -bed. Anfwere. Though the comfort of Gods fpirit (hall never be abolifhed from his heart: yet he can not al- wayes te(lifie it. For he may dieofa burning ague: and by reafon ofthe extremitie ofhis fits, be troubled with idleneffeofhead, and breakeout into raging fpeeches andblafphemies. Likewifehe may dieofa ficknes in the brame, & be troubledwith grievous convulfions, fo ashis mouth (hall be writhen tohis eares, his necke turned behind him, and the very place where he lies (hall (hake through his trembling , as daily experi- ence wil reflifie,Neither isany to thinke this firange: for Salomon faith, e3ll things (inoutwardmatters) come a like; toall: andthefame condition is to thetoll and to thewicked : to thegoodand tothe pure, andto thepolltx- a red, andto him thatfacrafceth,and to him thatfacrificeth not +CAP. X I I. O f the contraries to Ttiepentance. Ontrarie toRepentance is Impenitencie: whereby men continue in one cilate, neither fort owingfor finne,nor turning from it. It