DfRepentance. 2$ It is one of the poll grievous judgements that is ifit be finall. For as a ficke man , then is molt ficke, when he feeles the 'call ficknes ,and faith he is well : fo miferable man is in molt rñifcric whenhe fides no miferie, & thinks him felfe ingood eltate. This finnebefalls them that iudge themfeluesrighteous, needingno repentance. As the Phari/es in the dales ofChri ft, theCarharefts in the Pa UnitiveChurch,and the Anabaptifis inour age. Adele vnto there fuch as hauehardened their hearts: foas they cannot difccrne betweene good and evill, nor tremble at Gods iudgements,but rather frette and rage a gainít them : till God in his wrath either deltroy them, or calf them to ftnall defpaire. As it befell Iulaanthe Apoftata, who diedblafplietning andcallinghis owns blond into theaire. Betweene the twoextreames Repentance andImpentencie, isplaced counterfait repentance. For the wicked nature ofman can di_icmblc and counterfait Godsgrace, as theLordcomplaines ofthe Iewes : Her rebelliousfiller Iudah, bathnot returnedvnto me with hir whole heart, but fainedlyfaith the Lord. Ierem. 3. z o. Counterfait repentance, is either Ceremoniall, or Defperate. Ceremonial', when men repent in outward thecae, but not in the truthofheart. As Saul. ?henfaadSaul to Samuel, I hauefinned:for Ihaue I.Sarn.i5. tranfgrJjed thecommandements oftheLord, andthywords : becau /è Ifeared 24.3°. thepeople and obeyed their voice. Now therefore 1pray thee take. array my finne, and turne againewith me, that I may worfhip theLord,&c. Againe,/ hauefinned,but honour me, I pray thee,before the Elders ofmypeople. OfA- hab, When eAgab heard thefe words he rent his cloathes andput onfuck- I.King.zt; (loath, andfaficd, andwent roftly, Andtheword ofthe Lord came toEljah, 27,29 frtyin?, Seefi tío r, how Ahab is humbled beforeme? Difiembled repentance may be difcerned becaufe men after a time returne to their old byasagaine. Pharao king ofEgypt PaidvntoMoles Exod.£.t and Aaron, `Pray onto the Lord that he may take away the froggesfrom the&frommypeoplc.And,WhenEgypt wufmitten with haile,hefad,' haue Exod.9 finned: andthe Lord isrighteous : but I andmypeople arewicked: `Pray ye unto the Lord,that therebe nomore rnightie thunders andbade. Againe, troubled withgralhoppers,he faid,lhauefrnnedagainfl slot LordyourGod Exod.IO.IS. açainfl yora,&nowforgrue me rnyfinne only this o; ce,5c.Now marke the ifrue ofall : when Pharao law that he hadref gauen him he hardenedhis Exod.B.t 5, heart, andhearkenednot onto them, as the Lordhadraid. This is theordì- nane and common repentnde that molt menprauife in theworld. Defperaterepentance cömonly' calledPenitence is, when aman ha- uingonelyGods judgements before his eyes, is fmittcn withhorrour of confcience : and wanting affurance ofGodsmercie defpaires finally. This was Iudas repentance, who when he hadbrought againethetl,irtse Math.21.3; pieces of iluer,confof edhis f ault, and went andhanged hinafelfe. C