Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

The nature andpirMfe ,C A P. X I H. Ofcorruptions in the dobrineof7 epent tnco. I-Je ChurchofRome at this daybath corrupted the auncient do- armeofRepentance, being one of the fpeciail points of religion. The corruptionsarc fpecia.11yfixe.: The first, that they make repentance or penance to be a facrament, which can not be: becaufeit wantspan outward fgne. And though forne fay, that the wordes, which the priett rebearfeth in abfolution, are the figne:yet that can node : becaufe the fgnemutt be not onely audible, but alloVlili}le. The fGcond , that a firmer bath in him a naturali difpofition, which being flirted up by Gods preventinggrace, he may andcan worke to- get crwith Gods fpirit in his owne repentance. But indeed all our re- 1 >li.z.r, pentance is to be afcribed to Gods grace wholly. The fòuleof man is not weake, but Ifarke dead in finne : and therefore it can no more pre- pare it (elfe to repentance, then the body beingdead in the grave can difpofeit felfe to thelattrefürreEfion. The third corruption, that contrition in repentance mull be fuffici- ent.A thing impoffible.For finne loth fogreatlyoffend Gods maieflie,. that no mancan ever mourneenough for it. The fourth,that contrition doth merit remiffion offinne. An opini- on that doth derogate much from the all-fufficient merits ofChrift. The fifth, that he that repents mutt confeffeall the finnes that he can remember, with all their circumfiances to his owneprieft,or one in his ftead,ifhe will receive pardon. This kind of confefIion isa meerefor- genie ofmans braine. I. There is neither precept nor example of it in Cal 3z.3. theScriptures. 11. Davidand others have repented and have received 2.52111.1 ,3.12, remiffionoftheir funes without confeffing oftheir finnes in particular to any man. The laft, that the fnner by his workes and fufferings mutt makefa- .tisfaaion to God for the temporaIl punifhment ofhis fumes. A flat r.lo1.1.r 7. blafphemie. The fcriptures mention noother fatisfaelionbut Chrifts, z.r. and ifhis be fufficient, ours is needleffe : ifours needful!, his imperfeC. Papifts write that both may ftand together. Chritts fatisfaCion ( they fay) is as a plaifler in a boxe unapplied : mans fatisfaCion as a meanies toapply it: becaufe it prepares us to receive it. Ah, good divinitie: for even incommon fence the fatisfaCtion ofChrift mutt fieft beapplied to the perfonof man that it may pleafe God, before the workes (which they.rearme fatisfaaions) canany waybe acceptable.toGod. - Toconclude, the R.omifhdoarineofRepentance,is theright way to hell. For when a finder fhail be taught that hemull havefufficient for- row forhis finne : and withal! that he muff not bcleeve the remiffionof his: