Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

OfRepentatace.' 30 his ovine fins particularly : when farrow comes uponhim and he wants found cöfort in Gods mercie , he muff needs fall into defperationwith- out recoverie. Therefore the Papifis in thehoure ofdeath, (as we have experience)are glad to leave the trumperie of humane fatisfàftions,and to reft onely for their iufhficatton, on the obedienceofChri¡t. L4VS DEO, cQ a - a ;,b , i 4.7;o-) r,,aaSsc ...:)9áC+ <)4( y`_ U Ce^ cIJ 4Ì.ee1 % THE COMBAT OF THE FLESH AND SPIRIT Gal. S. i 7. For theflefh ifleth againft the 9'arit , and thef jirit agni t thefielh : andthefeare contrarie one to anof her,fa thatyecan not do the things whichyewcHld. 3vi He Apofsle Paule from thebeginning of this chapter to the 13. verfe exhortes the Galathians to maintaine their 113t Chrif:ban liberty: and from thence to the endofthe chap- ter he perfwades them to other fpeciall duties of odlines.. In the 13. verfe he ttirres them up to be ferviceable one to another by love : in the 15. verfe hediflwades them from contentions, arid doingof inturies.In the t 6.verfe he fhewes the remedie of the for- mer finnes,winch is towalke according to thefpirit.In this feventeenth verlehe renders a reafonof the remedie, the force whereof is this. The flesh and the fpirit are contrary : wherefore ifyewalke according to the fpirit , it will hinder the flesh; that it (hall not carrie you forward to do injuries and live in contentions, as otherwise it would. In this verfewe have to obferve fivepoints. The fir¡t, that there is a combat betweene the flefh and the fpirit, in there words,The fefblufleth açainf thei»ret, andthe /irtt aPain¡l the fieffh. The fecond is , thematter ofthis combat, which ¡lands isthecortcarie lullingof theflefh and the fpirit. The third, is the caufe ofthe combat, in thefe words, and there are contrarie. The fourth is the fubieft or perfon in whom this combat is, noted in there words, So thatycce, the Galathtans.The lati is the effeft of thecombar, in the lait words, thatthey cannot do, Gc. Touching the combat it felfe diverfepoints aretobeconfidered.The fiat, what thefe two, which make combat,namely,the flefh & the fpirit, are. They have diverte fi;niflcations. Fide ofall, the fpirit is taken for the foule,& the fcthfor the bodie,But fo theyare not take in this place, C ij