Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

3 T The combo of Forthere is no filch cöbat betweene the bodie and the Couic: bothwhich agree togither tomake theperfonacneman. Secondly, the fpirit fgni- fies naturali reafon, and the flefh the naturali appetiteor cöfupifcence. But theycan not be fo vndcrflood in this place. For the fpirit here men- tioned dothfight even again natural! reafon : which though it ferne to makea man without excufe, yet is it an enimie to the fpirit .Thirdly, the fpirit fignifies theGodheadofChrifl,& théflefhthenmanhood:but it muanot be fo takenhere. For then euery man regenerate fhould be dei- fied. Laffly, thefpirit lignifies a createdqualitie ofholines, whichby the holyGhoftis wrought in the minde, will, andaff t ons ofman : and the flail, the naturali corruption or inclination ofthe minde, will, and affections to that which is a gaina the law. In this fence thefe twaine are taken in this place. Secondly, it is tobe conldered how there twaine, the fiefli and the fpirit can fight togither, beingbut meerequali ties.Andwe muff know, that they are not fevered afunder, as though the flefh were placed in one partof the foule, and the fpirit in another : but they are ioyned and mingled togither in all the faculties ache foule. The minde or vnder- flandingpart,is notone part Beth,&another fpirit,but the wholemind is flefh,& the whole minde is fpirit;partlyone and partly theother.The wholewill is partlyflefh andpartly fpirit rthe flefhand the fpirit, that is grace andcorruption, nor fevered in place but onely in reafon tobe di- flinguifhed. As the ayre in the dawning ofthe day is not wholly light or wholly darke as at midnight &at noone day :neither is it in one part light, inanother part darke :but the wholeayre is partly light, & partly darke throughout. In aveffeli of luke warme water, the water it fèlfe is not onelybote or onely cold; or in one part bote and in another part cold : but beate andcold aremixt togither in euery part ofthe water. So is the flefh and the fpirite mingled togither in the foule ofman : & this is the caufe why thefe twocontrarie qualities fight togither. Thirdly in this combat we are to confider what equalitie there is be- tweene thefe twocêbaters, the flefh and the fpirit. And wemuaknow, that theflefh ufually, is more in meal-late then the fpirit. The flefh is like the ¡nightie gyant Goliah , and the fpirit is little and final! like young David . fienee it is , that Paul calls the Corinthians which r.Cor.3,1, were men ivaifîedand fan hfied, cas nail. I couldriot ( faith he) brethren f eake untoyou ai vnto /irituall, but vntocarnal', i vetobabes in Chrtf , Andnone cancome to be tall men in Chria according'to theageofthe Eplzri.r3. fulnefIe ofChriff , till after this life . And the fpeech which is ufed of fouie divines, that the man regenerate bathbait the reliquesof,fnneinhim, mull be underfloodwarily,els it mayadmit anuntruth.As for the mea- lure ofgrace it can be but fmall in refpea , where as we do receiue but Rol., s thefirg fruitsofthefil it in this life; and muff wake for theaccotplifh- mtnt