theflesh tnd/iiriat. 32 nientof ourredemption till the lift tocome. Forall this, thepower and eíficacieof the fpirit is fuch, that it is able to prevaileordinarily againft the$efh. For the flefh receives his deadlywound at thefill inffant ofa mans convcrfion, and continuallydieth ,after by litle and title and therefore it fights but as a maymed fouldier. And the fpiritis conti- nuallyconfirmed and increafed by the holy Ghofl : all() it is livelyand furring, and the vertue ofit is like muske; one graine whereofwill give a fironger finell, then many ounces ofother perfumes. Some níay fay, that the godly man doth more feele the flefh thenthe fpirit : and there- fore that the flefh is every way more then the fpirit. I anfwere, that we mull not meafureour eftate by feeling , which may eafily deceiveus. A man that feele a paine which is but in thetop ofhis finger,morefenfably then the health of his whole bodie : yet the healthofthe bodie is more then the paineofa finger.Secondly we feelecorruption not by corrup- tion, but by grace : and therefore men, the more they fede their inward corruptions, the more grace they have. Thus much of thecombat it feefe now let us come to themaner of this fight. It isfought by Lifting. To Iufl in this place figniñes tobring foorth and to flirre up motionsand inclinatiötls-in the heart, either to good or evzll> Lulling is two-fold : the lullingof the flefh, and the lulling of the fpirit. The luflingofthe flefh bath twoaaions : the firfi is , to ingender e- motions andpallions offeefe-love,envie, pride,unbeliefe, anger,&c. Saint Iames faith, that men areenticedanddrawn away by their ozone con- Iam.t.rgò eupifcence. Now this enticing is onely by the fuggeflionofbad cogita- tions and defires. Thisactionof thefiefh made Paule fay, that he was carnalifoldvnderfinne. Rom.7.r4. The fecond as`iion of the flefh is, to hinder, aryl quench , and over- whelmeall the good motions of the fpirit. Paul .fciu.d this in himfelfe, whenhe laid, l (en an other law in no, 'members rebelling againf the law ofRom,7.13, the rn nd,and leá'dsng me captiue to the lawof(Inne. By reafon ofthisa. lion ofthe flefh, the man regenerate i, like to one in a (lumber troubled with thedifeafe called Ephialtes or the mare: who thinkes that heLeeks fame- thing lying on his breafl as heavie as a moTuntaine: and would faine have it away, whereupon he flrives and labours by hands and voyce to reznoveit, but fir his lifecannot do it. Gzrthecontrarie , the lulling oF the fpirit containes two other ai- ens. The f ríl is to beget goodmeditations, motions, inclinations, and defires in the mind, will, andaffeaions. Of this David fpeaketh. (-MY Pfal.z6.8 reines teach rsae to theaaightfearon: that is, my mind affection, and Will, and my whole foule being fanEifìed andguidedby the fpirit Of God, C üj