ti Thecombat of dominifleruntomecófiderations oftheway in which T ought towalke. Ifaias prophefying of the Churchofthe new teflament, faith , whew 4 mangoeth to the right handor to the left, hePali heareavoice, fayi;,'r: Here úthe way wake it. Which voice is not only the outward preaching cfthe rniniflers, but alto the inwardvoice of the fpirit. The fccond anionofthe fpirit is to hinderand fuppreffe thebadmo- tions and fuggeflions of the Heft). Saint Iohn faith , he that is borne of Goelfinneth not, becaufe hú fiede rematneth in hint, that is, grace wrought in theheart by the holy Ghofl, which refilleth the rebellious defires of the flefh. That themanner of this fight maymore clearely appeare , we muff examine it more particularly. In the foule ofman therebe two fpeciall parts, the mindand the will. In the mind there is a doublecombat. The firfc is betweene know- ledge oldie wordofGod,and natural! ignorance or blindneflè.Forfee - ingwe do in this life knowbut inpart : therefore knowledgeof the truthmuff needs be ioyned with ignorance in all that are inlightned and oneofthefebeing contrarieto an other, they flrive to over'fhadow and overcall echother. Hence we may learne the caute why excellent divines do varie in di- verfepoints ofrel igion: and it is,becaufe in this combat,natural' blind- neffe yet remaining , prevailesmoreor leffe. Men that are dimnie figh- ted and cannot difcerne without fpeeacles, if they be fet to difcry a thinga farre cuff, the mofeefthetn would be ofdiverfe opinions of it. Andmen inlightcned and regenerate in this life; dobut fee as inagla/fe dEarkely. Againe,this muff teachall ¡indentsofdivinitie often to fufpetî themfelvcs in their opinions and defences : feting in them that are of foundefc iudgement the light of their underftanding is mixedwith darkneifeof ignorance.And they can in manypoints fee but as theman in the Gofpell, whò'When our Saviour Chrift had in part openedhis eyes, law men walking , not as men, butan theforrneof trees. Alf() this mull teach all that read the Scriptures to invocate and call vppon the name ofGod, that he would inlighten them by-his fpirit, $r abolhfh the Miltofnatural, blindneffe. TheProphet Davidwas worthily inliuhte- ned with theknowledge of Gods word , fo as he excelled the auncient andhis ovine teachers in wifedome : yet being privic tohinifèlfe touch- inghis owne blindneffe, often praieth in thePralines, lnlrghten my eyes that d may underf1and thewonders of thy law. By reafon of this fight, whennatural' blindneffe prevailes, the child ofGod truly infighter-ledwith to life evcrlafcin May erre not c: lv in lighter points;but even in the very foundationof religion, as the Corinthians and theGalathians did. And as oneman4may erre, fo an hundred menmay alto: yea a wholeparticular Church and as one