Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

3 5.. rñeçPmbt>¡ degree: but if the force ofthem both be delayed and weakened , they maybe ioyned together. By reafon of thiscombat,when corruption prevailes againfi grace in the will andaffeaions , there arifeth in thegodly a certainedeadxe(feor hardnefeofheart, which is nothing elfe but a want offenfe orfeeling. Some may fay,that this is a fearefull iudgement: but theanfwere is,that there be two kinds Of hardnefl.eofheart: one which poffeffeth the hart, and is never felt : this is in them,whohave their consciences feared with Eph,419 an liote-yron ; who by reafonaof cuftome in finne are panall feeling, Zach.7.zz. whohkewife defpifc`the rneanes offoftening their hearts. And indeede this is a fearefull judgement. There is an other hardne(Teof heart which is felt: and this is not fo daungerous as theformer : for as we feele our fickneffe by contrarylifeand health: fo hardneffeof hart when it is felt, argues quicknefTeofgrace, and Coftne ffe of heart. Of thisDavid often complained in the Pfahnes: of this the childrenof Ifraell fpeake when a.65..t1. they fay, Whyh4thou hardened ourhearts from thy wayes? Thusmuchof the manner of the combat in particular : before we proceede any further,'let us marke the iílùeofit, which is to prevaile againtl: the flefh. The fpirit prevailes againft the flefh at two times : in thecourfeofa mans life, andat his end; butyet with force foiles received. T fay the fpirit prevailes not inone instant , but iñ the wholecourfe r.loh.s. t 9. ofa mass life. SoS.Iohn faith,Hewhich is begotten ofGod finneth not:for he preferveth himlelfe: the graceof God in his heart ordinarily prevai- ling inhim. AndPaul makes it thepropertie of the regenerate man to Rom8.r. walke aceording to the¡irit, which isnot now and then to make a fleppe forward, but to keepe his ordinariecourfe in the wayofgodlineffe. As in going from Barwickt to London,it may bea man now and then will go amifle : but he fpeedily returnes to the way againe,andhiscourfe ge- nerally (hall be right. Againe,the fpirit prevailes in the endofa mans lmfe.For then the flefh isutterly abolifhed, & fanEïificationaccompli(hed: becaufe nouncleane thing can enter into thekingdomeofheaven. This further muff be conceived, that when the fpirit prevailes, it is not without refinance andDriving : as Paul teftifieth, 1 do not the goad which lwouldbut theevillwhich 1 wouldnot that do 1.Whichplace is not to beundernoodonlyofthoughts and inward motions (as force would have it) nor of particular offences : but of the generali praaife Of his dutie or calling, through the whole courfeofhis life. And it is like the prariife ofa ficke roan, who having recovered ofTome grievous difeafe, walkes a turne or twaineabout his chamber, laying, ah, I would faine walk eup and downebut I cannot : meaningnot that he cannot walke at all, but fignifying that 1:e can not walke as he would ; being Toone wearied