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thefeshand »át. wearied through faintnefle. I addedfurther, that this prevailing is with folles. A Foyle is, when theBeth for the time vanquifbeth and fubdueth the fpirit. In this cafe, the man regenerate is like afoúldìer,that with a'blow'bath his brain-pan cracked, fo as he lies groveling affon-ifhednotable to fight: or like him that hath a fit of the falling 1icknefl'e,who for a tiinielies likeadeadMan. Hence the quefiionmay be moved ,'whether the flesh prevailing doth not extiiguifh the fpirit, and focut off a man from Chrifi , till fuch as hebe ingrafted againé. The anfwere is this ; There be two forts ofChrifiians ; one who doth onely in Phewand name profefreChrif}: and fuch an one is no otherwife a member of Chrifts myfiicall bodie, then a woodden legge let to the bodie isa memberof the bodie. The fe- cond is he that in name and deed is a livelypart and member ofChriff. Ifthe firf} fall, he cannot be laid to be cut off, becaufe he was never in-. grafted. If the fecond fall , he may be and is, cut off fromChrif}. But marke how:he is not whollycut olfbut in forne part, namely in refpec`i of the inward fellowfhipand communion with Chrifi, but not in re- fpe.`iofconiun&iionwithhim.Amans arme taken with thedead palfie, hangs byand receives noheat,life,or fenfe from the ref} ofthe members, or from the head,yet forall this,_it remaines Hill united and coupled to the bodie,and mayagaine be recoveredby plaifiersand phyficke: fo af- tera grievousfall the childofGod feeles no inward peace and comfort,. but is (Mitten in confcience with the tremblingof a fpirituall palfiefor his offence ; & yet indeed Hili remaines before God a member ofChrift in refpeCt ofconiun uion with him, and (hall be reflored to his former eflateafter feriousrepentance. And God permits thefe folles for weightie caufes: úr11 that men might beabafhed andconfounded in thernfelveswith the confideration of their vile natures, & learne not to (well with pride; becaufe ofGods grace.Paul faith,that after he had benerapt into the third heaven,the an- gelSatanwas Pent to buffet hisn , and (as we fay) to beatehimblackeand s.Cor.iz,.7. blew, that he might not be exaltedout of meafure.The fecond,that we may learne to defile our felves and cleaveunto the Lord from the bot-. torneofour hearts. Paul faith that he was ficke to death , that he might z.Cor.r >. not tr. ff áabirsflfe, but to Godwhorai!èth thedead. Thus much ofthe mannerof the combat : now followes the caufe of it. The caufe is thecontrarietiethat is betweene the flefh and the fpirit: As Paul faith, Thewifédomeofthe flefh is enrritie to Cod. Rom.8.5ö. Hence weare taught, that .lince the fall, there is no free-will in man in fpirituall matters,concerninreither the worfhip of God or life ever- Lifting. For flefh isnothingelfe but ournaturall difpofition:and man is nothingelfe but flefh by nature: for the fpirit comes afterward bygrace:.