çoobbtáf and the flefh is flat contrary to the fpirit,which makes us do that which is pIeafiig unto God, Wherefore the will naturally is a flat bondflave Unto finned Againe, hence we may learne,that it ís_not an eafie matter topra îife religion : which is to liveaccording to the fpirit, to which our naturall. difpofition is ascontrary as fire.to water:wherfore ifwewill obeyGod, we mufllearne tó forceotwnatures to the duties ofgodlinefíe;yca,even fweat and takeNines therein. LafI1y here we may learne the nature offinne.Thefpirit isnot a fub fiancebut a qualitie : and therefore theBeth which is nothing "eife but originali finne, and is contrarie to_the fpirit, mutt allobe aqualitie: for lath as thenatureofone-contraryis, fuch is the other. There is in every man the fubftanccof bodie and foule, this can not be finne,for then the fpirit alto fhould be the fubftance ofman.Therc is alfo in the fubftance the faculties of bodie and (cule : and they can not he finne , for then every man fhould haveloft the facultiesof his foule by AdamsfaLLaft- Iy in the taeulties there is a contagionor corruption whichcarrieth them againll the law : and that is properly finne and the flefh, which is con- trarte to the fpirit. The fourth point is, touching the perlons in whom this combat is. Paul fhewes who they are, whenhe faith, So thatye cannot, dc, where, it.appeares, that fuch as have this combat in them muff be as the Gala- tuns, men iuttifted and fancgified : and yet not all fuck, but onely they that be ofyeares: for the infants ofthe faithfuI', howfoever we mutt re- pute them to belong to the kingdome ofheaven,and therefore tobe in, tidiedand faniified: yet becaufe they donot commit anuall fnne,they want this combate ofthe flefh and fpirit, which 'lands inanion. A sfor tholewhich be unregenerate,they neverfelt this fight.Ifany fay that the worft man in theworld, when he is about to commit any finne , bath a ítrife and fight in him. It is true indeede :hut that is another kind of combat, which is betwene the confcience and the heart. The confcience on the onepart terrifying the man from finne : the will and theaffeni- ons haling andpullinghim thereunto:the will and the affethonswilh- i.ngand defiring that finne wereno finne, and Gods commaundement abolithed : whereas contrariwife the confcience with a Thrillvoire pro, chimes finne tobe finne. This fight was in Pilatc,.whoby the forceof his confcience feared to condemne Chrift: and yet was willing,and ycel- ded to condemne him thathemight pleafc the people. Furthermore, this combat's in the regeneratebut during the timeof this life. For they which are perfenly fatinified feele no f$rife. Ifany fhall fay, that this.combat was in Chrift,when he faid,F4ther ifit be thy "Pill let thin .cuppepaC from rróe , yet not my redboa thine be done. Indeede here is a combat, butofanotherfort; namely the fight oftwo diverfe deliires_