Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

defires: theone of thecroffe: the other a naturall defire(whichwasno finne but ameere infirmifie ol bumame nature') wbereby-ke in his manhood defires (as themannerofnature is to feekc the prefervation ofit feMe) to fftve tjie ■ curfed, death of tile erode removciirrohi Mm, :3° ’ ; 0 Thefifth point is the'fe^oftias;ediftt>^fv^h'i^fnake themart regenerate, that hecawnot do the thingswhich1heughId' andthisihuft be underftood in things both good and evill. ** - ‘ || And firif he can not do the evill which he would for two caufes-Fird becaufe he can not commit finne at what-tiftie foever hewould. Saint Iohn faith, Hethat Uhome-ofGodfiwietVnot•,neithercarihefmrie, beernfa1.Ioh.j■% he is borne<?/GW;that is,he Cannot finne atMsplcafure6r when hewill,’ Iofeph when he was afiaultcd by Putiphars Wife to adulteric; becaufe the grace o f God abounded in him, whereby he anfwered her, faying , ’ Shall l dothis, andfinne againft QodMtcould not thenfinne- Lorbecaufe his righteous heart was grieved in feeing andhearing the abominations of Sodome, could not then finne as they of Sodome did. Hence it appeals, that fuch perfonsds live in the daily praaife o f fin again!! their owne confidences, ( though they be profeffours o f the true religion of Chrid) have no foundnefle of grace in them. Secondly theman regeneratecan not finne in whatmaner he would:- and therebe tworeafons thereof. Firft,'he can not finne withfullcenfent of will, or with all his heart: becaufe thewill fo farre fortbas it is regenerate,refi(lethand dtaweth backe: y&a,’even then when aman iscaritd headlong by the paflions of the flefh, he feeles fome contrarie motions o f a regenerate confidence. It is a true Milethat finne doth not raigne in theregenerate, For fo much grace as if wrought in the mind, will, affections3: fomuch is abatedproportionally of the ftrength of the ficih.- Wherefore when he commits any finne, lie doth it partly willingly^nd partly againd hiswill. As themarriners in the temped, cad Ionas inter the fea willingly: for otherwife they bad not done it : and yet againd their wils too: which appeares becaufe they prayed,and cad their goods out of thefihippe, and laboured inthe rowing againd the temped, and that very long before they cad himout. And herein lies thedifference betvvcenetvvomen committing one and the fame finne,the one of them being regenerate, the ocher unregenerate. For the latter finneswith all his heaff & withfull content,andfodoth not thefird. Secondly,though hefall-intoany finne,yet heddt’h not lielongin it,butfpeedily recovers , himfelfe, by reaforiof grace in hisheart. ^’Henceit is manifedifbatfanesofinfirmitieare committed only offuch is are regenerate. Asf®r the man unregeneratehe cannot finne ofinfir- piiry whaffoever foittefalfly thinke.For heis not weake but darke dead infinne.And finsof infirmitie are fuch onely as rifeof conftraint, m m