a rbe,eombat,of ,, ballineíTe, &luck Iike'fudden paffions in the regenerate . And though they finne ofweaknes. often ,byreafon;of this fpiritualI combat, yet they do notalwaies : for theymay fume againfi knowledge and confcíence ofprefumptiort To come to the fecondpiont : the regenerate-man can not doe the goodwhich he would:'becaufe -he can not doe itperfitly.andConnelly ac- FQom.?.i s. cording toGods will as he would. Paul faieth, Towill it pre fnt rorth srte, but Ifindno nse. nes(xxTe yá' ) perfiter'y to do that which ! would . In this point the godlyman is likea prifoner that is gotten foorthofthe gayle, and that hemight efeape -the,hand of the keeper , delires and ftrives . withall his heart to runnean i=oo miles in aday ; but becaule bee bath flraight and weightie boltes onhis legges, cannot forhis life creepepaft a mile or twaine, and that with chafinghis flefhand tormenting him- felfe. So the fervants of God do heartilydelire, and endevour toobey Iîín * z ,Z God in all his commandements: as it is (aidofKing Iofias,That he tut a.Ki g ned to Godwithallhie heart, with allhis joule, with allhis nozght, accordrn. toallthe /awes of .114o¡ès, &c. yet becau le they are clogged with the bolts of the flefh, theyperforme obedience both flo.wly and weakely, with diverfellippes and. fafs. Thus much of the combat : now let us fee what ufemay be made ofit. Firft ofall, by it we learne what is the eltate ofa Chriflian man in this life. A Chriflian isnot one that is free from all evill cogitations, from rebellious inclinations andmotions of will and affeftions,fcom al manner of flips in his life and converfation : for fuck an one is a.meere devife ofmans braíne, and not to befound uponearth. But indeedhe is the found Chriftian that feeling himfelfe ladenwith the corruptionsof his vile & rebelltousnature,bewailes them fromhis heart,. With might and maine fights againfl them bythe grace ofGodsfpirit. Againehere is overthrownc the popifh opinionofmerit and iuflification by workes of grace,on this manner. Suchas thecaufeofworkes is, fuch are workes thernfelves. Thecaufe ofworkes in man,is the mind, wilband affcaions fanetified :inwhich, the flefh and the fpirit are mixt together, as bath bene !hewed before. Thereforeworkes of grace, even the heft ofthem aremixt works, partly holy & partly finful I. Whereby it is evident to a; man that bath but cömon fenfe,that theyarenotanfwerable to the righ teoufnes ofthe law: and that therefore they can neither merit lil e,orany way inflifie a man before God. Ifany reply, that good workes are the workes ofGods fpirit, and for that caule perfectly righteous. Ianfwete, it is ti tie indeed, they comefrom the holy ghofl that cannot fanne , but not onlyor immediatly. For they come alfo from thecorrupt mindand will of man, and in that relpeabecome fìnnefull,as fweet water ailing out ofa purefountaine, is by a filthychannel' madecorrupt. Thirdly,