Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

the fleshandfpirit. Thirdly, we do hence learne that concupifcence ororiginall finne is properly and indeed fanneafter baptifine, though it pleafe the councell of Trent to decree otherwife. For after baptifme it is flat contrarie to the fpirit, and rebels againft it. Papiftsobie61 that it is taken away by baptifine. e_4n /were. Or iginall finne or the flefh is taken away in the re- generate thus. In it there be three things; the guilt,the puni(hment;the corruption : the firft two arc quite abolifhed by the meritof Chrifts death in baptifine : the third, that is, thecorruption remaines dill : but marke inwhat manner: it remaines weakened; it remaines not imputed to the perronofthe beleever. Lafily, hereby weare taught to be watchfull in prayer. Watch aed pray MathChrift) &c.for theMarts rs ready, bast theflefh is rveakç.Rebecca, when two twins ftrove in her wombe was troubled and raid, Why am I fo ? wherefore fhe went to aske the Lord , namely by fore Prophet. So whenwe feele this inward fight, thebell thing is tohave recourfe to God by prayer,and tohis word , that the fpirit may be flrengthened a- gainf} the flefh. As the children oflIraell by compafling the citieofIe- rico feven dayes, and by founding rammes homes overturned the Ovals thereof: foby ferious invocationof Godsname the fpirit is confirmed, and the turrets and towresofthe rebellious flefhbattered. SEvill. Ido that whichNevillandI will doeit. ` 1.. Carnali) Good.Idonot that which idgoodand1 ìvsl not do it. Evil1.1do theEvill,whichIwouldnot. The voice 2 ,Regene) ofa man l rate of C_Good.Idorotdo thegoodwhichIwcu'd. Evil/ donot that which idevill,and1 will 3.Glori- not do it. ltiedof Good. i do that yrhich is good, andIwill doit.