cR/fj`+' To the Reader. ó . y HrifianReader,lamentableandfearefisllis the At. abufeofthe tongue amongallfortsanddegrees ofineñeverywhere. Hencedaily¡wifemanifold Agnes againft God, and innumerablefcandals and grievancesto ourbrethren. Itwouldmake amans heart to bleede, to heare and confider howSwearing , Blafheming, Curfedjpeaking, Railing , Backbiting , Slaundering, Chiding, barrelling, Conten- ding, lefting, 0'tocking, Flattering, Lying, Diffembling, Vaine and Idletalking overflowin allplaces, foasmen which feare God hadbetterbeany where ,then in the company ofmof men . VYell then ,art thou aman whichhaft made little conffence of thy'leech andtalke ? repentferioutly o f this/inne, andamend thy life, lea.för the abating o f thy tongue thou criewith Dives inbell. SendLazarus Luk.i6.4, that hemaydippe the tippeofhis finger in water and coole my tongue. vind if thou beone which haft care toorder thy (elfe in fpeech andfilence according toGods word, oh, do it more. For whata shame is it, that menwiththe f me tongue wherewith they confe fJe thefaith and religionofChrif, shouldbyvain and ungodly f/eech utterlyderie the power thereof? 4tndfor thybetterhelpe herein, I havepennedtheffew linesfollowing , concerning the Government oftheTongue. Pie themfor thybenefite, andfindingprofit thereby, giveglorie toGod. CIa. b. XCI I. Decemb. r W. Perkins.. D