Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Z, OF THE GO.VERN ENT OF. THE TONGVE. CAP. I. Gfthegenerallmeanesofrili ztheTongur. H E government ofthe tongue is a vertueper- taining to the holy ufage ofthe tongue according to Gods word. And for the well ordering of it_, two things are requifite : a pure heart, and skill in the lan-. gunge of Canaan. The pureheart is tnoftneceffarie, becaufe it is fete the fountaineof fpecch , and if the fountains be defiled, the ftreames that ifíue thence can not he cleane. And becaufe the heart ofman bynature is a bottomleífegulfeofini- quitie, two things are to be knovvne : firft, how it mutt be made pure: and then how it isalwaies afterward to be kept pure. Theway toget apureheart, is this. Firft, thou mull feriouliy exa- mine thy lifeand thyconfcience for all thy finnespail: then witha hea- vie and bleeding heart confeffe them toGod , utterly condemning thy felfe.Thirdly,withdeepe fighesandgrones offpirit cryunto heaven to God the father,in thenameofChrift for pardon I fay,for pardonofthe fame finnes,as it were for life and death, and that,day andnight, till the Lord fenddowne from heaven.a fweete certificate into thy perplexed confcience by his holy fpirït,that all thy finsare done away. Now at the fame inftantin whichpardon (hall be granted, God likewife will once againe ftretch foorth that 'nightie hand of his , wherebyhe made thee when thouwaft not, tomake dice a new creature, to create a new heart in thee,to renuea right fpirit in thee,and to ftabliíh thee by his free fpi- rit. For whomhe iuftifieth, them altoat the fame timehe fan&fieth. The purified heart appeared] by thefe liignes. I. If thou feele thy felfe tobe difpleafcd at thine owne infirmities and corruptions , and to droupeunder them as men do under bodily fickeneffe. I l. If thou beginne to hate and to file thine owne perfonall finnes. I I I...If thou feele a griefe and forrow after that thou hall offended_God . I I I I. If thou heartilydefìre toabi'faine from all manner of finne. V. If thou be careful! to avoide all occafions and entifeinents toevill. V I. If-thou travel! and doe thine endevour in everie good thing. VII. If thou defineand pray to God to waib and rinfe thine heart in the blond of Mat.t 5. i 9. Clirift. When