Thegovernmentofthe 'tongue. 3 When theheart is pure, tokeepe it fo is the fpeciall worke of faith, whichpurifieth theheart. A&s.yg.e 5, Faith purifieth theheart by a particular applying of Chrifl cruci- fiedwith all his merits. El:Jha when he went up and lay uppon the dead a King.4,a4, child, and put has mouth on his mouth, andhis eyes upon hiseyes , and his hands capon hiehands,and firetched htmfelfe upon him , the flefh ofthe child waxedwarme. e_4fterwardEl>fba rofe and !dread htmfelfe upon him the /ë- Verf,35. cond time : then the childneezedfevers times andopenedhìs eyes. Somull a Man by faith even fpread'hinifelfe upon the crofTe ofChrifl , applying handes and feete to his pierced handes and feete, and his. wretched heart to Chriths bleeding heart, and thenhe !hall feele him feefe war- fined by the he-ate ofGods fpirit, and finne from day to day crucified with atilt, and his dead heart quickenedand revived. And this ap- plying which faith rnaketh, isdone bya kind of reafoning, which faith maketh thus. HathGod of his merdegiven his owne Sonne to be my. Saviour,to flied his bloud for me? and hathhe of his mercie graunted untome the pardon ofall my firmes? I will therefore endevour tokeepe my heart and my life unblameable that I doenot offend himhereafter in word or deed,as I have done heretofore. The languageofCanaan is, whereby a man endued with the fpirit of Ira.19.1 . adoption, unfainedly callethupon the Name of God in Chrif}, and fo Roma 5.6. confequently loth asr it were, familiarly talke and fpeake with God. This language mull needes be learned, that the tongue may bee well governed. For manmuff firfl bee able rotalkewith God, before he can be able wifely to talke with man . For this caufe when menare tohave communication one with another ,-theyare firfl of all to bee çarefull that they often make their prayers tá God that he would guide and bletTe them in their. fpeeches,as Daviddid, Set awatch , OLord, before Pfal.r4r.3:. mymouth, and keepethedooreofmylinpes. And againe, O Lordopen thou P4a1'51.17. rrry leppes , andmy mouth(hall [hew foorth thy praifë. Where wee may fee, that the mouth is , as it were, locked up from (peakingany good thing, untill theLord open it AndPaule having the gift of ordering Ins tongue in wonderfull meafure, yet defireth the Ephefrans to pray Eph.6.r9. for him, that utterance might begiven him, and good reafon, betamfe God Prov.16,1, meth the tone. CAP. II. Of thematter ofour fpeech. TH E government of'the tongue containeth two parts: holy fpeech, and holy filence. In holy fpeechmull be confidered the matter of our fpeech, and the manner. , D ij