4 The ovcrMpke»t The matter is commonlyone ofthefe three: either God, our n' . Lour, or one (elves. Asconcerning God, this caveat mull be remembred,that thetonou- rabr titles ofhis glorious Maieflie be never taken into our mouches, uniciTe it be upon a weightie and iuft occafion, fo as we may plainely fee that glorie will redound to him thereby : and-for this caufe the third commandement was given, that men might not take up the ;McofGod Exod.zo.7. 14 vatne, that is, rafhly and lightly. And therefore lamentable and feardull is the praaife everie where. For it is a common thing with men to beginne their fpeech, and to place the titles of Gods moft high Maiedie in theforefront ahnoff of every fentence , by laying , O Lord ! O God.' 0good god! O merciful/ God .' O le/it ! &c. If a man be to fay any thing, he will not CI, Yea, or Nay: but, O Lordyea : or, O Lordnay. If a man be to reprove his inferiour , he will prefently fay, O Lord have mer- cie on uí, what a flowbacke art thou , what a lye is this, &c. An earthly Prince, if he fhouldhaue his name fo tolled in our mouthes at everie word, would never beare it , and how fhall the everliving God fuffer it ? nay, how can he fuffer it ? I fay no more , but thou with thy fen thinke how : for in the third cornmaundement the punament is let donne , That hee Will not ho/de him gutltleffe that taktfth his Name in vaine. And theAngels in reverence toGods Maieftiecover their faces, Hai. 6. 2. Concerning our neighbour , we are to confider whether the thing which we are about to fpeake begood or evill. This being weighed, ifit be good, and focommendable,then we are readily and cheerefully, and that upon every occafion to utter it, efpe- daily in his abfence, whether he bea friend or a foe : as Saint Iohn wri- 3.loh.iz. teth ofDemetrius. Demetrou (faith he) bathgood report ofall men, and ofthe truth it /die :yea, and we ourfelves beare record, andye kstow that our teflononie to true. As for theevill which any man (hail knowbyhis neighbour, he is in nowife to fpeake ofit, whether it be an infirmitie or a groffe finne, un- leffe in his confcience hefhall findhirnfelfe called ofGod to fpeake. Aman is called to fpeake in three cafes : Firft, when he is calledbe- fore a magiftrate, and is lawfully required to teftifie the evill which he knovveth by another. I I. When any is to admonilhhis brother ofany fault for his amendment . I I I. When the hurt or daunger that may arife ofthe evil! is tobe prevented in others. As a man may fay to one well difpofed, Takeheed offucha mans companie: for he is given to filch or filch a vice. i t. To this end theyof the houre of Cloe doe certifie Paule of the diforders in Corinth. And lofephcertifieth hi:4 father of his brethrens flanders.