the tongue, 5 JL nders.In this cafe all treaforis are tobe revealed,as tending to the ruins ofthe whole commonwealth. ThusElifha rcvealeth the ofthe kfes x King.S, offYra. And ifit fhall be thought convenient to mention the evill which we know by any man,it muff bedone onely in general! manee; the perfon, and all circumflances which will defcrie the perfon, concealed. Concerning things which are fecret in our neighbour, we arc not to be fufpitious , but to fufpend both fpeech and iudgement. Love fine.. zCor.a3. Elethno evill. lodge nothing (faith Paule) before the time , unti /1 the Lord r.Cor.4.5, come, who willlighten things that are hid in darkeneffe, andmake thecotana Fels of the heart man:fell. Augufline bath a good and a fpeciall rule ,, to this purpofe, that therebe three things ofwhich wee mutt give no confelf. iudgement: Gods predeflination , the Scriptures , and the eflate of men uncalled. As touching amans felfe , he is neither topralle nor difpraife him - felfe. As Salomon faith, Let another praife thee, andnot thineownemouth: prov,a7.:. a (/ranger, and not thineownelippes. Yet otherwhiles the times doe fall out, that a man mayufe an holy kindof boafling , efpecially when the difgraceofthe perfon is thedif racealtoofthe Gofpell , andof Religi- on, and of God himfelfe : as Paul did. But wherein ( faith he) any will z,Cer.i s.zr., tale boldneJfe, (1/ eaIeefooliJhy) I ujêboldnefe. Thy are Hebrew', o eras :f CAP. III. ofthe manner of our(Meech, and what mufl be done beforewe fpeake. Hus much of the matter of our fpeech . Nowe followeth the I manner. In the manner of our (peaking three things are to bee pondered What mutt be done before we fpeake : what in (peaking : what after wehave fpoken. Before we fpeake, confideration mull be ufedofthe thing to be (po- ken, and ofthe end. Iamesrequircth that men fhould beflow tofpeake, andfiv ft to heare. Salomon faith , He that antivereth a matter before bee Prov. a 8. 13. heave it, at úfolly anil ¡hare to him. The minds is theguideof the tongue: therefore men mull confider before they fpeake . The tongue is the meflènger of the heart, and therefore as oft as wee fpeake without meditation going before , fo oft the reffenger runneth without his arrandl.The tongue'aced in the middle of the tnouth,aand it iscorn- a cbryf.h m; paflfed in with lips and teeth as with a double trench, to (hew us , how Z. ad Pp' we are ro fare heede and preconfideration before we fpeake : and there- 4nuoeb* fore it is goodads;ife, to keepe theikeye of the mouth not in themouth I.á