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Etrdenat.(9 grat. Mat.r2.36. 6 the government but in the eupbordof themouth.Augut1ine faith well,thatas `ìzreating and drinking men make choiceof meates : fo in manifold fpeeches we flrouldmake choice oftalke. Here arecondemned idle words, that is, fuck words as are fpoken to little or noend or purpofe.And they arenot to be efleemcd as like fins, when as menare to (ive account ofevery idleword. C A P. IIIh What is to be done infqeaking; and ofw f dorre. VT Hen we are in (peaking , two things are to be prat'fifed : Y care muff be hadofthe fpeech, than it begracious : tècondly, it is tobe uttered with convenient bonds of truth. Thefpeech is gracious, when it is fo uttered , that the graces ofCod Colof.4.4. wrought in the heart by the holy Gholf, are as it were piftured and painted forth in the Cane : for fpeech is the very image ofthe heart. Eph 4.15. Contrary to this is rotten fpeech , that is , all fuch talke as is voide of grace, which is the heart and pithofour fpeech. 1Eph.5.3. And by this itappeareth, athat novoice can be named but with.difli. g¡al.164, king : and hereupon in Scriptures when by occafion a vice fhouid be named, in token of a Ioathing thereof, the name ofthe vice is omitted, and the name of the contrarie vertue ufed in the roome thereof, as in Iob.z5 three wordes : For lob thought, It may be that my formes havefn.ned and bleféd, that is, biafpherriedGod. This being true, then byproportion the r.K vifiblereprefentation ofthevices ofmen in the world,which is the fub- fiance and matter wherof plaies and eirterludes are made,is much more to be avoided. Gods graces, which we aretoPhew forth in our communication, are their : \'Uifedoine, Truth, Reverence, Modeflie, Meekenefl , Sobrietie in iud ement, Vrbanitie, Fidelitie, Care of others good name: and let us confider of them in order. \Jifedomein our fpeech is a goodly ornament. The Apoflles when theywaighted for the holyGhofl in Ierufalem,it defcendedupon them. AZi.24. in the formeoffBrie tongues:and then it is laid that they f ake as the holy ;Taa9sy s zu Ghoggave them utterance in Apophthcgmes or wfé f^rstence.r. Andhe that Paov.6.z3. governes his tongue wifely addethdoctrine to the lips,that is,fo fpeaketh, as that others be made wife thereby. This wifedo;ne is then (Hewed, when a man can in iudement apply his talke,andas it were in good manner'make itfit to all the circumlian -, Prov.19,zr. cesofperfons , times, places, thwgs. Afielopereth out all himind, but a wile man kcepeth in till ofterward.Awordfpoken in hip/ace, is like apples of old with pifluree of f /ver. I r r.