Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofthe toque: 7 Nowhe that would have his fpeech tobe wife, mull firfi ofall him- felfe becomea wife man. And thewife man of whom the holy Scrip- tures fpeake , is a godly man, and fach anone as fearethGod : becaufe this feare ofGod is thebeginningandheadofteatdome : ason the contra- prov.i.7. rie, the foole, whereofthe Scripture often fpeaketh, is theungodly per- Eccle. fon, that nakethno confcience ofany finne: And indeede fuch an one Pfai.14.1, is the moll fenfeleffe fools ofall. He that fha!l ever and anon be calling r' himfelfe into the fire and water, and runne upon daungerousplaces to Gcn341. breake his legges,arrues ;necke: and further fhall take pleafure in doing all this, is either a foole or a mad man. Now the ungodly man as oft as he finneth,he indevoureth as much as in him lyeth to pitch his foule in- tohell, and whereas he taketh pleafure in finne, he fports himfelfe. with his ovinedeflruaion. Furthermore theman fearingGod rtiflhave two things inhis heart: a perîwafion ofGods pretence; and Awe. The-perfwafion of Gods prefènce is , wherebya man is continually refolved, that wherefoever he is, he flandeth before God, who doth fee even into thefecrets of his bean. This was in (ornelita : Now therefore AE1.1o.3; (faith he) we are in Godsprfence to heave alit-Imp that arecownsaunded thee of!God. Awe in regardofGod, is that wherebyaman behavethhimfelfe re- verently, becaufe he is in Gods pretence. Awe is either in regardoffinne or ofchaflifernents. Awe in refpett of finne, is when one is afraid to finne. fearing notfo muchthepunishment, as finne it felfe,becaufe it is finne. For he feareth God indeed, which is of thismind, that if there wereno Iudge to con- denme him; no hell to torment him nodevil! nor ccvfcience to accule him; yet he would not thine, becaufe Gods bleffedMaieâlie is by it of- fendedand dilpleafed : and ifhe had it in hischoice, whether he would fume or-toofe his life, he had rather die then willingly andwittingly finne againft God.Thisawe being in Ioteph,was the caute that mooved him not-tocommit folly withPurip'harswife. Dora thee, faith he ,can I Gen.39.9, do thisgreat wiekedrr;(f2°, aazJinnawing God? Awe in cbailifen,ents is,when onehumbieth himfelf under themigh tie hand ofGod with all meekeneflè and patience,whenGod layeth his . hand on him moreor lefrc. WhenShensi came forth and curled David, and flung ffones at hiro,what did he? truly he flood in aweofGod,and therefore raid, What hake I to do with you,ye ronnes ofZertriah ? for he, cur ith, even becaib, ethe Lordbath bidden hetrc ctarfe David ,whodare then fay, Wherefore14 thou donefo? Whena man is thus madewife, that is, righteous and fearingGod,he is toguided by the fpirit offeare,that he can not but(peakwifely. Salo- mon faith,The lips ofthe righteota b\nowwhat isacceptable: bud the rnoaath Prov.a 0.314 D il+ 4