8' The giivernrnrnt ®fthewickedfpeaketh frowetrd things. Andagaine Theheart ofthe wife guideth themouth wilily. Contrarie to this is fond andfoolifh talke : an example hereófwe have in Luke, where Pilate wanting the feare of God , faith, I(aide no fault inChr,/. :.let us therefore chaffs/hi:n, andfendhiss away. Whereas heought tohavereaforied thus, lfindnofitultin him: thereforèlet usfend himaway without chaffsfement. C A P. V. OfTruth, andof everence injbeech, PrRuth offpeech is a vertuewhereby á man fpeaketh as he chinked]: and foconfequently, he fpeaketh as every thing is, fo farre forth as Pial.16.z. pofïiblyhe can. It ismade a noteofa righteous man, to fpeak.e the truth Prov.ta.zz. fiom the heart : and they thatdeale trimly are cod,delight. This is alwaies required in all our doftrines, accufations;defences,te- Prov.17.7. ftimonies, promifes,bargainings,counfels : but efpecially in Judges and Magiftrates fitting on judgement feat, becaufe then theyRand in Gods ftead, who is truth it felfe. Maih.io.3s. To this placebelongeth e Ipollogse,which is, whena Chrifliancalled before a'Magiftrate, andftraightlyexaminedof his religion,confefeth Chrifl boldly, and denieth not the truth. Contrarie to this, is lying, cogging,glofing, fmoothing,diffembling: as for example, Gehazi, after he had received money and garmentes of i.Kiag, q.z5. Naaman the,Syrian againfl Elifhaes will, hewent and flood before his mailer, who laid untohim, Whencecommeft thou, Gehazi ? who ma- king it nothing to lie for a vantage, frnoothed it over finely, and (aide, Thy fervant went no whither. To the like die&and purpofe, report is made ofa rich man that had twochefts : the one whereof he calleth all theworld, theother hisfiend. In thefirft he putteth nothing : in the fe- cond he putteth all his fubftance. Whenhis neighbour came toborrow money,heufeth to anfwere, truely I havenever a penie in all theworld, t,. meaning hisemptie chefl,but I will fee(faith he) what my friendcan do, looking thereby for interefi by themoney out of his other cheft. This vice is very common, and it is a rare thing to finde a man that maketh a cotifcienceof a lie. Lying is , when a man fpeaketh otherwife then the truth is , with a purpofe todeceive. Herenote that there is great difference betweene thefe two fpeeches, it is.. an untruth; and, It ie sa lie. The firft may,be ufed when a man fpeakethElíhootis. But in ufing the fecond , we mull be heedie and (paring : for when a man is ch. lenged for a lie, three things are laide'to his charge. I. That he fpeaketh falfiy. I LThat he is willing todo fo. I I L That he bath adelire and purpofeto deceive, ou o