ofthe toxin.. 9 Whether may not a man lie , if it be for the procuringof force great good to our neighbour , or to the whole countrey where we are ? Anfwere. No : Reafons are thefe, I. Lying is forbidden , , sts ana6o alam.3.a:, stainationtotheLord II. bWearenottodo ainyeviElthatgood might come Prov.i:.z;, thereof: I I I. He which lyeth, in fo doing conforrnethhimfelfe to the b itom.3 8, devil', who ` is a Iyer and the father-thereof. ° Ioh,8.44, Obit. I. Such lying is' for our neighboursgood and not againft' charitie. ilnlivere. No : for ch ^rtty° reioyceth nthe truth. d ,, Cor.i ÿ,6. Obie[1. I I. The holy Scriptures have mentioned the lyes of the Patriarkes. eA frvere. Wee muff not live by examples againft rules of Gods word. Obidi. I I L Rahab and the inydwives ofEgypt in raving the fpyes, and inpreferving the Ifraelites infants ufed lying, and arecommended for their fae9s. eAnfrvere. They arecommended for their faith ,not for their lying. The workes which they did , were excellent workes of mercie , and therefore to be allowed : and the doers failed only in themanner ofper- forming them. As truth is required in fpeech, foalto reverence to Godand man. Reverence toGod is, whenwe fo fpeake of God and tire his titles, that we (hew reverenceour felves,and move reverence-in others. Ifthou wilt not keepe(faith theLord)and do allthe words ofthis law (that are writ - ten in this book) andfeare thegloriotts fearefullname,THE LORD Dcut.2.8.5 TH T GOD, then the Lord rvillmake thyplagues wonderfull. Here take heed ofall manner ofblafpheming,which is,when men ufe fuck fpeechesofGod, as do either detract any thing from his Maierhie, or afcribe any thing tohim, not befeeming him : a finne ofall other to be deteaed. Reafons. I. A blafphemer is viler then the rea of the crea- tures : for they praile God in their kind, & thew forthhis power,good- ne.ffe,and wifedonae: but he difhonourethGod in his wretched fpeech, I I. He is as the madde dogge that flyeth in his mailers face, who kee- peth him andgivethhimbread. III. Cuflorne in blafphemies fheweth a man to be the childofthe devill, and no childof God as yet. A father lying onhis death bed., called the three children to him whichhe kept, and told them,that onely one of themwas his owne fonne, and that the rcfl were onely brought up by hínri therefore untohim he gave all his goods : but whichof there was his naturals forme he would not in any wife declare. When he was dead, everyone of;the three children plea- ded that he was the forme, and therefore that the goods were his. The matter beingbrought before a Iudgecould notbe ended: but the ludge