Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

£0 The goverment was confl rained to take this courfe : he canted the deadeorps of the Fa- th9rp be, fet.up,argainf} 4 teee, and commanded the three formes to take ()owes and arrows,& to !hoot againfftheir father, and to fee who could cow neerefl. theheart. The firü and feconddid £hooteat their father & hit hizn,the thirdwas angry with both the other through naturali affe_ &'tion ofachild to a father , and refuted to (hoot. This done, the Judge , gave fcntence that the two firflwereno fonnes, but the tlird,oncly, and tiaathefilauld have thegoods. Theliketrial! may be üfed=to ftno r W110' be Gaels children. Such perfons with whom bla :herring is rife,areve- ry devils incarnate, andthechildrenachedevitl,who.rendGod in p=ie_' ces, and.thoote hire through with their darts, as it is fad of theEgyp- tian whenhe blafpherned, that hefnsote or pierced thraghGoals Name, Levít.ztiI. NIagitlrates and:rulers.feverallypunih tuch as (hall abufc their names, i-.ï QGh, and they do it aatflly:l:ówmuch more then thornld blafphemers ofGods, nameercape without greatpunifhment. Agaíne, here we iuullbe warned to take lieedeof that cut hiiiable fvvearing, and alfoofpériurieJt is a very f}range fume: for theperiured perforadoth not only finnehimfelfe, but withal! he endevoureth to in- tangle God in the faine finne with hiimfelfe. Further, take hecde teal thoudoff either make or recite the jells, which arecontrived out ofthephrafès ofScripture:which arc very a- xod.3o.3i. ny and verytafaally relrearfcd in,companic..The oyrle wherewith the ta; bernacle and the arke ofthe teflament and the priefls wereannoi fired, was holy : and erefore no man might put it toany other ufes,as to an aIoha9`8, noint his owne e therewith , or tomake the like unto it. a Pilatea pooee Painymwhen heheard the nameof the.Sonne of God tens afraid: andwe much moreought to tremble at the word ofGod, nót to make our (elves metric with it. And therefore the (coifingoffulian the Apo- flan is very fearefull, whowas wont to reach Chriflians boxes on the eare,andwithall,bid.them turne theother,andobey their mailletscorrn- Math.t.39. maundemcnt, Who%everfballfizite thee on the right check , rsirne to how theether a4. And he-denied payand like reward to his tbuldiers that wereChriflians, becaufe he raid he would make them fie for the king- dome ofheaven, confelering that Chrifi had fsid, 1 ledare the poore ZY 1 fs`t for he-le PJ the ,I; 2gei Je ofheaven. Herealfo awn mull learnc to take. heed ofall mane( of charmes and inchantinents, whichcommonlyare nothing cis but words of fcripture or fuck like, ufed for thecuring ofpaines and difcafes both in roen and beaffs, As for example, the frfl wuerds ofS,Iohns Göfpell, In the began rac i uzxe the l'''ord, andthe 'Fordoaswith Goa.; &.are ufed to be written in a paper and,hung about mens necks to cure agues. But the truth is, fa:cli kind ofpradifesare devillith,Patrons ofeharmes hold that in lùcii words as areeither divine or batbarous,is much efficacie,3ut whence is this