Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofthe tongue. r r thisefftcacie? from God?From meii?or from thedevïll?Irit (hall be f<fid fromGcd;we mull know that the wordufed in holy Manner, is tiie in. ftrument of God to convey untous fpirituall bicfllings, asfaith,rezene ratïon,repentance:but it Both nor ferve tobring untous corporal he Íth. Well then, belike wordes take vertuefrom thefpeaker and are made powerful! by the arerigth ofhis imaginttion.indeed ofthis opinionare fornePhi1tions, as Avicenna and. Parace! fry=, who thinke that phauta'f e rerr4c.lib.df is like to the funne which worketh on all things to whichhis beanies do k t taro. come, and the latter that by iimaginationMiracles mayhewrouglit.put this opinion is fond,and`the reafons alleaged for it are without weight. For imaginations areno things but fhadows ofthings,And as ari inia ,e ofa man in a glaffe bath no power in it,but only ferves to resemble at d reprefent the bodie of a nian: fit it is with the phantafie and cc nceitof the niind,and no otherwife. And if imaginationhave any force itis 1y within the (pints &humors ofa mans owne bodie : butlo 4 icre flirce toworke in the bodies of others it cannot;nomore then the thado vi Of one bodiecan o='dinarily cure the body ofanother on which it li hteth Wherefore words ufed in-the wayofbodily cure,be they in theinfelves never fo good, are no better then the devils facraments:Arid when 'thee are tifedofblind people,he it is,that commixgunder hand,workcch the cure, and by turning }iimfelfeinto an angell oflight, deludes them. But it were better for a man to die a thoufand times thento life fuchreme- dies, which in curing the bodies deflroy the foule. Laftly, avoid, all imprecations andcurfings,cither againfl men or o- titercreatures i for God in judgement to puntfh`fuch surfed fpeaktng, often brings topauTe fuch imprecations: as may appeare in the levies, whoat thearraignment ofChrift,`cried laying', His.6laud le uponus and ar,x7r.5.. upon our cPiik'ew. uiliich imprecation is verifiedupon them till this day. At Arewburge -in Germanie a certaine mother curled her forme, Laying, Get tbee armv, I ;a3ou!d thous mghtefi never coteagain° aliverthe very fame r eat, hrr day he went into the water &was drowned. Againe, a mother brought fires a F. her child to the I/invertitieofWittenberg°, by reafonhe was pofeffëd ` '' with anuncleanefpirit: being demanded hole iteame to paffe , file an- 1 Jera. fw,-ered in thehearing'ofrizanyithat in her anger fhe fai:d, The devil/take thee, aüd"thereu.pon prefentlythe child was pofl' our coun- trymen oftenwifh theplague,the poxe,thepeflilence to theirchildren, their fèrvants, their carrell: andoften it fans out accordingly. In the dales ofkingE:dward,certain fnglilh fouldiers(as I amcertenly informed by a witreffe thenprefent) being.bya e mpefl:call upon the lands on the coafi ofFrance, gave themfelves topraiers; &commended their foules to God, as info great danger it was meere: but one among the ref!, defperarely minded went apart and cried out,faying,ogalloinr'è cíai'Yic the right, gat:? w/ (Mme thy right. Now the Paid partie among