X Thegovernment the ref$ ( as Godwould have it ) c aped fafe to land; and afterward vino. famefpaceof time in France, returned a aine to England , where he was hanged for healingofhorfes :and thus according tohis defìre the galtowfe claimed her right. Reverence toman is in two refpecls,either becaufe he is created after the imageofGod, or becaufehe is above us inage,gifts,authoritíe. In the firft confideration , menmuff have care to give filch names to children as areproper and fit,ufuall & knowne the fignificationwher- ofmayadinonifh themofthe promifesof God,,of godiines,or of frame good dutie.And there be foure allowed ends ofgivingnames. I.Topre- ferve the memorieof fome thingby thenaine given , as Adam, lfraell, Ifaac. I L To fgnifie fome thing to come, as Euah, Abraham, Iohn, Peter. II I. Topreferve the name and memorieofparents and kindred, which was tired in the birth oflohnBaptifl. This cuflome may íh11 be retained, if there be any good example in the auncetours that the child may fallow. I V. That the life and profeflionofgoodmen may bere- vived in the renuingoftheirnames, Here wemull take heed, in no wife to give to children , the proper names or titles ofGod,aslefus, Immanuel, &c. Neitherare the profeflòrsof the Gofpell tobe intituledby the names of fuck as have bonefamous intlru_ments in theChurch, as to be called 1.Cor,1:.13. Calzi4s, Lutherans, &c. Now this 1fay, that every one of,youfaith,'err,; Pauis,and I am flpoflcs, lana C'eph,u, andlamChres: IsC'hrij/di'ided?or wau `Paulcrucifiedforyou ?either,wereyebaptized in thename ofPaul? Andit is a boldpart ofthe peflilent generationofPapifis,who take to Mt.! r tlbëfelves the name ofIefuits,wheras the like nameofC'hrifson was give ,i1ftgliTtli. to the difciples at Antioch not by thedevifeofman,Gut 6y.d4vineoracle. he Kom:t r 4 As thechanging of the namegiven in baptriine is not to beallowed : fo the varyingofit according to the varietieoflanguage, (ifneither hurt nor fraud to anybe intended therby)is not unlawful.Vpon this ground Saul is calledPaul : andChrifi cals Simonhis difciple otherwhiles Ce- phas,othcrwhiles Peter. And very worthydivines in this age,that their writings might be read of the adverfaries;bavein like fort without of- fencevaried their names. Melaathoncals himfelfe Dydimus Faventi- nus,andMelangxus.Bucer intitles httnfelfe Aretius Felinus: and Theo- dore Beze once writ himéelfe Nathaniel Nczechius. Reverence toman as he is fuperiour, is in Wing fit titles ofreverence. Sara is commended in Scriptures for obeyingher husband, and for cate Ii4ghim Syr, But excefle mull here be avoided, when titles of honour ('er. ;.cs, proper to God are given to tneinas headofthe Cathoh e Church to the Pope, Ladle andduecne of heaven to themother ofChrifi. This fault Mar.ro,18, ChriP reproved) in the young man, Paying , Why cal'efr thoume good., there is nonegoodbrt God. CAP