Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofthe loge. i3 CAP. VL ofc)1odeflfe andof(../Teek neffe. Cdeffie in fpeech bath diverfe caveats : firf},.ifa man fpeakeany thingofhiifelfe, that is, in his owne commendation , let him al- NZ' the perron and fpeake of himfclre as ofanother : 1 knowa man (faith Pail (peaking of himfelfe) in Chrift above fo:srtceneyeares ago, ejc. which was tak nup into Paradifè , andhardwords which cannet befPokn. And John faith of hiifelfe : When lefiufan, his mother , and the dsfci le 1°1).19,26. whomheloved, flawling6y, 6c. Here take heedeof boafting , whereby men imitate the devin, who faid,cAll thispower wi'l Igive thee, and the Luk.4 6, glorieofthole khi ogdomes : for that is delivered unto me, and to whonfoever 1 willgivest. Againe, when a man 8á1l have occafion to fpeake of his owne faults and corruptions , let him fpeake theuttermofl again(' hinitêlfe, as Paul called himfelfe thefdiof ßu11 finner,r. But if hebe to mentionany JTim.1. r3, thing ofhimfelfe, that mayminifler matter ofcommendation , let his 15. fpeech rather incline to theMal then to theexcef{e: as Paul faith, 1 t Cor.zS9 amlead ofthe fipofiles, which amnot meete tobe calledanApoflle, becauf 1 peekuted the Church ofGod. Secondly, in thementioningofthings whichmove blushing, weare to uCe as feemcly words as may bechofen. Gen.4.i. eAfterwardAdam knew Hevahhis wife, which conceived andbare Cain. i .Sam.24 4. eAnd whenhecame to the Jheepecoates by thewaywhere therewas a cave, andSaul went intocover hisfeete, that is, dohis eafement. Meekneffeall() is required incommunication, whichis,when aman ufeth courteous and fairefpeech.Tut them in remembrance, &c. that they be courteous , 'hewing all meekene f f "e toall men,for weourfelves alfa were in times palunwire, d f bedient,dc. Meckneffeand gentleneffe íhewesit (elfe in Salutations, Anfweres, andRcprootes. For the firft daily experience fheweth , that it m keth much for the maintaynirg of love, to call men by their proper names or furnames. And this was a ligne of fpeciall favour that God called C24ofer by his proper name. Yet more convenient it is to falute our betters by names ofhonor or ofíice.Thus the difciples call our Saviour Chriff Rabbi: and it was the uluall manner among the lewes, tocall their betters eAdor, that is, Lord, or Syr. The formes offalutations are to beafter theorder prafiifed inScrip- ture. AnAngell fainted Gedeon thus : theLordbe with thee thou valiant Iud.6. ;s. man. AndBoaz came toBethlehem,andraid to the reapers,The Lordbe Ruch.z.4. withyou : and they anfwered, The Lordbleffethee. And theAngel fain- ted Marie, Haile,freelybeloved, theLord iswith thee, 6-c.Chrift aiming Mach soar, az,F3.