Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

14 Vie government amonghis difciples, Paid , Peace beamongyou:and he taught them coin. ming to any houfe to fay, Peace be to this hoof?. 13v this itappeareth,that our cömon formesoffalutations are commé. dable: which areofdívers forts:as when one meetsanother/pdlarueyou: whenone goes away,Gad bewithyou:in the morning,Godgrueyou agood morning: after noone, Godgiueyouagoodevemng : whenone is goingon his iourney-,Godfieedeyour tourney:when one is working,God sfJ;eedeyou; in eating, nmuchgoodeloe it you : whenOnepath a new aflìce,Godgrrieyots toy of your office:. when one is ficke,Godco ifórtyor4, &c, Andwhen.children falute their fathers & mothers after this manner: Iprayyoufather bileme:l prayyou mother6lefré me: it is a feetnely thiltg, ForGod bath made parents to be the inflruments of bleffing to their children, innurturing them and praying for them:as the fifthcomman- demen t faith , Honour thyfatherandthy mother ,that they ;nay prolong. thy dates . Now they prolong the childrens daies by praying to God for bletIìngs on them, andby Inch like duties. It is an ufe in all places, when a man neefeth to falute him by laying, Chrrfl helpyou. But there is nocaufe why thewords fhould then be ufed more then at another time .1hereafons are. I. It is anold cuflome fet- ched from the Gentiles before Chrifl, and bath no ;roundat all: for .1+riA de the y ufedwith the like words to with menhealth, becaufe they thought Í ifiz, animal, neefing to be a facred and holy thing : and becaufe fome take it tobe Pryprob/. a fineof vnhappie and evil fucceffe, which indeed is otherwife. I I. ,ßi.33. If therebe any danger :in the braillebefore neefing, when aman bath 'liK 1 z$zz reefed the danger is paiLas learnedphyfitions teach:therforethere is no caufeof the ufïng fuch words then, morethen at coughing Againfl the praetife offaluting each, other fame thingsmaybe ob- ie£fied. I. loh. epift. 2, V. t O. Ifthere come anyveto you, andbringnot this doHrrne,receruehamnot to houfë,nerther brddehim (Jod[peede.t4vfwere..This place loth notforbidcömon civihtie &curtefie ofman to man:but only familiaritie and acquaintance with lieretikes: yea fuch acquaintance & fatniliaritie as mayTheme to giveapprobationand applaufe to their bad proceedings.IL.Elifha fending Gehazi his feruant to lay his ftaffeon the dead childe of the Sunarnite, had him ifhe met anynot tofalute them, and ifthey fpake to him not to anftiver them. 2. King. q.. 29. Andwhen our Saviour Chrift fent his difciples topreach in Iudea,he bad thèto ra- 'Yore nomanby theway.Luk, t o.,.l., f1n/xrer.The intent ofthefe two places is not to for bid men to falute others , but rather to inioyne Gehazi and thedifciples ofChrifl onely toomit for that time the przetife of thedu- ties ofcommoncurtefie , fo faire forth as they might hinder or delay the performance ofweightier atflutes. Our anfwers mull befolc,thrt anger be neither kindlednor increa- fed. -zlföft nwerpgteth uwa) wrath, but grieuous wordesfiarrevpanger. Nabal