ofthetongue. zg Nabh11 by ehurlilh language provoked David to vwTath,but Abigail by i.Sam. :4 7.;8 the cötraryappeald ltimtt.Çedecnfa1ggently to themenofSpbrann,when 1udg.8.3. they were angr, agailiff hitu , and appealed them. For the text faith, Whenhe had thrasipok'n, then their .girtrsabated towards him. Therefore Salomon fail, weil, páoycommethtoamanbythe anjivere ofhiprvouth, but how 4word isdue leafn. cs- No if any ftiall r:ilcon us , our clinic is, not to mile a aine. t orn.T2.14, la there that per/ecitcyoar, iefe, 1 fty,andcurenot. Re courteous, not ren- `f 3 4 dringeviilfor eviti, nt it her rebu,4e for rebute, but controriwif 4.14, kaaom_ in thatye be thtr>antoc4lled,thatyou fhouidbe hetres. ofblefrng.Th is thing wasnotably praé}ifed byDavid. Pial.r 09.4. Formyfriencfhip they were mine l ave anyfelre topraier.And therfore in this cafe,ei- tiler filence is to be ttfed,or atthe atoll, onely a iuit &Maniféf} defence ofcur innocencie to bemade. Ezechias cótnaunded the people tobe .fi- lent, & not to fayany thing to the fpeech of Ilabfáchai. now flattering; 2.King.18. now threatning. When Eli fpakehardly ofAnna. & bad her put away 36 her drunkennes,fhe anf aered,Nay,at.Y lord, lyam awom i tre.:bledtnfpzrit, LS3tn.r.t g. 1have neitherdrum, winenor f rong drir.Äe, but havepowred out my fqule . before the Lord. Thus lofephcleares himfeife raving, I havedonenothing Gen,40.I . wherfore t heyfhouldplat me in the dungeon.AndDaniel toNabuchodono for:Unto thee, O ,<tng,bave 1 doneno burt.Andour Savior Chrif whé the Dan.6.2z. ImesPaid untohim,Saywe not true,that thouart a Samaritane andhaft a loh.8. y8, 49 d vt/l?anfwered,I havenot-a devirl,but I honor myfather, e-5ye havedifho_ noredane.And Paul beingtomake an apologie for himfelfe begins thus: Men andbrethren, I have inallgoodcon/ience [erved Godunto thisday. Aa. 23,1. Nowwhen a man hath thus cleared himfelf,though his own word in his owne behalfe take no effee`r, yet let himpatiently cñmit his caufe to God:who in time will manifeff the truth,and bring it to light:as David did,ltsdzeme,OGod (faithhe)for 1 have waked inmineinnocencie.And a- Pfa1.26. gaine, The,wicke,d rnatcheth therghteous, and fech th toflay him : but the p,ai,37. Lord manorleave him in his hand,nor condemne h;rawhen he u. tudged. 32 33 Meeknes in reproofe is, when any (hall admonifh hisbrother ofany t fault for his amendmet, with the like moderation that Chirurgeonsufe, who being to fet the armeor legge that is forthofioynr,handle it fo ten- derly,that the patient dial leant feele when the bone fais inagaine.This counfel l Paul giveth :grethren,ifanymanbefallen by occafion intoanyfault, Gal 6.i. ye which are (Jurituall, refiorefilch a one (or let him in toynt again)wit h the fptintofineek ies. This was pratifedbyAbraham towards Lot,whé their heardm wereat variance, faying,Let there be,lpray thee,noftrie betwen Gen, t 3.8.9. thee andine, neither betweene mine beardmen tndt hive forwe are brethren. And this is done fourewaies. when wereprove a man generally, as Nathan did David by a parable Secondly,when in the rooine ofa re- 2 Säm,i a. proofe weput an exhortation:in the exhortatìó infïnuatingan oblique