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i.Tim.S . t . r.Cor.4 6. GaI.6.r. 1. King 533 F Pfal.t4t.5. Prov.r'.io. Prov.z7.5. 16 The government reproofe, as when aman Ihall fwearein his ralke, I thallnotneedeal- wales to fay, Tedovery il tofweare,andfi to liifhonour God. but,I wit lap it upin theforme ofanexhortation,as pillesarc lapt infugar,by raying, Tea and nay,yeaandnay fhallferve amongur. 'k,e6u4e not an elder,6trt ex- hort himas a father,andyoung menat brethren , faithPaul to Tiznothic. Thirdly,whë the reprofe ispropotided in amansown perfon,as though he were faultie which reprooveth. Paul prahifed this: Now theft thing, brethren (faith he)1haue figurativelyapplied tomineowssefelgeand Apollo, foryourfades, that ye might learn 6y us, that no man prefume atone that which towritten. Fourthly,when the fault is directly reprooved, but yet partlywithprefaces, that we do it oflove,that we with well to the par- tic, that we fpeakeascontderingour felves , that we altoare indanger ofthe fainefault : and partly by framing the reprofeoutofthe word of God, that the partie may fee himfelfe, rather to be reprooved byGod, then byus: after this maner the inferiour may admonilh his fuperiour, efpecially when there isno other wayof redreffe, Se he is to lilten,yeel- dinghimfelfe tradable. Naaman isadvifed byhis fervant, who laid, Fa- ther, ifthe `Prophet hadcommaunded thee agreat thing , wouldefl thou not have doneit : howmuch rather then,whenhefaith to thee,Wafh,&be clean? Then went he downandwafhedhimfelfe(even times in lardan. When any (hall in this manner be admonilhed ofa fault, they are to yceld themfelves tradableand thankfull,and heartilygladof fogood a friend. Notable is the fpecch ofthe Pfalmifl : Let the righteous(mite me, it uabcnefte : andlet him reprove me, itas the chicle ointment, let tt not be wanting to myhead. And Salomon faith, A reproofeentreth moreinto him that bath underßanobng, thenan hundrethfiripes into afoole. And,Open re- buke isbetter then f cret love. CAP. VII. OfSobrtetie, F'rbanitie, Fidelitie, and care ofothersgoodname, SObrietie in judgement is , when a man either fufpendeth his opini- on ofhis neighbours fayings or doings,or elfe fpeaketh ascharitably as he can, by raying as litte as may be, if the thingbe evilly : or by inter- preting all in better part,ifthe fpeechor actionbe doubtfully. Therefore do thus: defpifenot thy neighbour,but thinke thy felfeas bad a (inner, and that the likedefects may befall thee.If thoucant} notexcufe his do- ing,excule his intent, which may be good : or ifthe deed be evill,thinke it was doneofignorance: ifthoucans} noway excufehim, thinke fame great temptation befell him,and that thou Ihouldettbe worfe.ifthe like temptation befell thee : and glue God thankes that the like as yet hath not befallen thee. Defpife not a man being a fnner, for though he be evilly to day, hemay turne to morrow. Here