®fthe tongtaé. 27 Here is condemned all headie and rafh iudgemtnt, whereby men Mat.7.r. make things either wade then they are, or elfe they take and turneall things to the worfepart. Thus thedevill dealt with Iob, laying, Doth tob.1.9.11. lob feare Godfor nought, 0.c. but flretch out thinehandnow and touchall that he hath,tofee :fhe wilnot blaffheime thee to thy face.Such was thedea- lingofDoeg'withDavid. /fatz thefonneofIfhai(faithhe)whenhe came to 1,gatar,sx,g8 Abimelech theTonneofAhitub,whoaskedcounfeloftheLordfor him,&gave him vsLivals,&hegavehim alto thefwordofGolsah thePhiliflim.Here the backbiter concealeth the neceflarie circumflances, whereby Abimelech might havebene excufed, as that David asked breadbeinghungry,and that he toldnot Abimelech that he wasout ofSauls favour : but he tur- neth all his fpeech to this end,tobring thePriefl into fufpirio withSaul. Thus the Pharifes dealt. Johncarne neither eatingnor drinkfng,andthey Math.Sr.tg, fay, He bath adevil!. Thefanneof man cameeating and drinking, and they [ay, Behold, aglutton, and a drinker ofwine, and afriend of Publicans and inners. Contrarie to this Sobrietie is Flatterie, wherby for hope either offa- your or gaine, men, and efpecially fuch as are ofdignitieand place,.are toothed up in their finnes , and extolled above meafure , even to their faces. As whenHerodarayed in royal! appareil, and fate on the iudge- ment feat, and madeanoration, the people gave a (hour, laying, The Ae.ra.n. voyce ofaGod, andnot ofaman. But markewhat Salomonfaith, He that Prov.i.7.t4 praifeth his friend with a loudvoice,rifing earely in the rnorriig: it (hall be counted to him for a curie. One being asked which was the worfl ofall beafls,anfwered, Ofwild beaßs,the tyrant: oftame 'malls the Flatterer. And another laid, that Flatterers were worfe then crowes : for theyBate onely dead carrion, thefé feedon living men. Andofall kinds of Flatteríe,that is the worfl when a man Thal fpeake faire to his neighbors face, andpralle him; but behindhis backe,fpeake hispleafure, andeven cut his throat. David complainethofhis familiar fi lend. that thewords ofhismouth werefofter thenbutter, yet warre wasin Pfal.54.i r. his heart: that hzcwords were more gentle then oyle,yet they were fiivords. The ltharifes behind Chrifls backe Cookecounfeli how theymight in- tangle him in taike; but before his face they fay, c2afer, we know that ,Math, 540 6, thou art true,andteachefl the wayof God truely, neither carefl thou forany man : for those confderef not the perfnnofmen. Vrbanitie is a graceoffneech , whereby men in feemely manner ufe pleafantneffe in talke for recreation,or for fuchdelight as is ioynedwith profit to themíelves and others. ThePreacher faith, There to a time to Ecclef.3.4. laugh, and a time to weepe. When theLordbrought agatne thecaptivitieof Pfal.i26.i,2, Sio;e,ine were themthaadreame. Thenwas our mouthfilled with laugh- ter, andour tongue with ioy. Now thismirth muß bcioyned with the feare of Lodi; otherwife E