Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

'48 . Thepvertiment cclef:z.z. Salomcinfaith well , 1 haue to laughter, thöu art ',mile fioyr zvAat is that thous doefi? And Chrifl faieth , Woe toyou dolt now laugh, Luke 6.14.1 foryee (harhveepe , Secondlywith compaffion and forrow for-Gods peo- Amos.6.6. pl e rn af'tionand cniferie. Tbey drinke wine in bowles, and;.;nrcint the. rhtses wit hchiefè ointments , but no man isfnry for theafrll'i2nofIofèph. %Jinn. ;. 'Thirdly, it muf} be (paringand moderate . Panic condemned] fuch as are lovers ofpleafures, more thenofgod. Fourthly , it muff bevoidof the prat}ifeoffinne.Mofes is commended thatherefrfed thepleafuresofftnne. The ufuall time of north is at meates . And here Samfons pra ire ludg,14.rz. may be followed, whoat his mariage feat}propounded ariddle or hard quef}íon to his friends. And Ambrofethinketh that hee did this tof}óp themouthes oftalkers, and tooccupie their wits. Luke r r.57. With all it mull be remembred to be a Chriflian duetie, even at the &54'j'& Zz table to maintains talkeofreligion, and ofduties ofgodlineffe, after the praf2ife ofour Saviour Chrif} : though many upon lisle ground .4p01,e.39. thinks otherwife.Tertullian recorded] of theChrifliansofhis time,that theyufed in their loue-feaf}es to talke togither,as confidereng with them felues that they had Godhimfelfe as an ears-witneffe to them. Chryfo- FUom.z.rn z. (tonic ofthis point faith well .1 would to God(faithhee)that intaverne: Ttejj.z,cap, ' and feafes, andat bather, menwould talke and di(doteofhell. for theremem- bringofhe wouldhinder amanfromfalling to hell. And it was the maner ofthe PrimitiveChurch atDinner and Sapper tonic the reading ofthe ,4 t fl epí(i. Scriptures . Whenyee come to the table ( faith Auguf}ine ) hearethat aß9 which is readeaccording to cuflome,witboutanyftirreor f riving : thatyour mon: he: may not only receive the ?mate, butyour cares mayhungerafter the wordofGod.And thisancient cuf}om is to this day retained in theCol, ledges ofthe Vniverrfitie ofCambridge. And this holy rcioycingat 'mates is fpecially to be tired with fuch as Prov.z3.8. are godly.As Solomo faith,that hewhicheatethat the covetousma: table, fhalEvotnate, hismor/Hs, and/Gal lloofe6irfweete worries . T:hefaithful! at AE1çs446. Ierufalem didbreake&cad togither, with «ladnele and/tnglenes ofheart. eflion. Whether idlingbe any fort, or not ? An/rive. That idlingwhich flandcth in quippes, taunts, and girdes, which fzrveth Dusty for the offenceofrom.e, witlr.the delight of others Ephef.4,zf. isnot tollerable : becaufe, allleechmutt -edrfie, and ini/Iergrace to the hearers:neither doth it agreewith Chriflian gr Vitrè_andmodef}ie. But two kinds of` ieffiitg are tollerable: the one is moderate and fparing mirth , in theufeof=things indifferent , infeafon convenient,withont Z the leaft feandall ofany man,&with profite to the hearers. The fèrond is that which the Prophets ufed, when they jetted againft wicked per- t,v{in.zS,i7, Ions, yet fo, as withalI they fharpely reprooved their fins. At noneEliali s.Kití.z.z;, mocked fatd,Crya/oude/or hers a god: either he tat thor purfr¡etb Ifâi,j4, r t, his en r lies,' `Y`s inhis iouraey, or it nil be. hefleepeth andmuffs be awaked.