Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofthetongue. 19 As forlaughter , it may beufed: otherwife Godwould never have given that Oliverand facultieuntoman : but the ufeofit mutt beboth moderateand feidozne , as forrowe for our finnes is tobe plentifull and often . This we may learneinChriaesexample, ofwhomweread that hike,i . he wept three times,at thedcflruc`lionofIerufalem, at the railing ofLa- Ioh.r I. 2artzs, & in his agonie:büt wenever readethat helaughed And1pecially Hebr.4.7. remember the faying ofClaryfoftotne, Si rims in Ecclefiaciaaao/t opvu est, that is,tomove laughter in theChurch, is the worke ofthe diuell. Fidelirie is onflancieinall our lawful' fayingsand promiCes. Apromife is to be madewith this condition (ifGod will) and then Ianies.I. r t. ifa man be prevented by death, or by any like meanes, he is not to be ICir.13.2. blamed: otherwife a mans lawfull word and promife bindeth him ac- cording to the will and pleafureofhim towhom it is made. 2 Gor.r.17. Now ifafterward it bè hurtful'tohim that made it, he maycrave to 3* be free from his promife : and libertie being graunted, take it. But a Pfal.s.,4. promife bound with an oath is to be kept, though private hinderances followe: yet fo, as theMagiflratemayorder thematter, and proceed in equítie, thatthe dammage may be the lefíe. The 'aft grace which is tobe tied in fpeech,is careofour neighbours Prov.z:a good name, which is farrebetter to hrmthengreat riches, Here is condemned the tale- bearer, which ofan evill minde telleth a thingofanother,tobring him intohatred , or to revenge himfelfe,or to get fomethiaig, which otherwifehe could not obtaine. This tale bearing is ofdivers fortes. One is, when menwhifpera- Koan,I3o broad fecretely thefault ofanother, whereas they fhould rather admo- nifh the partie, as Chapnwhen he had feene his fathers nakedneffe,ranne Gcnef..9. firaiteand told his brethren. The fecond, when they adde to or change the thing find or_done, as it ferveth for their purpofe, Some ofthewit - neffes which came againft Chrifl , charged him to fay, I will dífroy this temple which to made with hander , an. n. d in three dates build an other witho;athandes. Where firtl they change his meaning ; for Chrift fpake of the temple ofhis bodie. Secondly , they adde to the wordes, For Chrifl faide nor. I will clefiroy this temple : but, degrayye this temple. Therefore the holy Ghoft noteth them with the name offairewitneffe Mat.z606e 6r; bearers. The third, when men furtr4ife, and tell that which was never done. When leremy was going out of letufalena to the land ofBenia, man, and was in the gateofBeniainin,irijab tookc him,and laid, Thou theft tothe Chaideans. Then find Ieren<ie, that is falfe, I fïie not to Iere.37.s3 the Chaldeans , but he would not heare him. The fourth is thecolou- red tale-bearing , when one fpeaketh evill of another , with fine prefaces and preambles, fayning that he is very fork that his neigh- bour bath done fuchor fuck a thing : that he fpeaketh it not ofmalice, but of a good mind that he is conflrained to fpcake : that bee Eij