Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

2a The çovernment fpeakethnot all he could fpeake:that the panic to whom the tale is told Vpon K]. mull keepe it fecret . Luther writeth of this fault verywell. Thisvice ag.;. (faith hee) wherebywe tellab -oad the thingswhichwee hcareofothers, and take them toworfpart ú very rife, aid ofgreat force tolbwdfordes: the rather, 6ecaufè it often /hewesit ielfe under thepretenceandname of coonfill andgoodadvice. findit ¿ anotablevifardfor a tale6earer'to transformshim felfe Intoan angel/oflight ,andvnder wale for Gods glory tobacke,biteand accu/ehie neighbour ofherefte,errour,undwicked Therefore the `Prophetsmeaningú, that wefhouldconceals the evils that be inour neighbour, andnot ¿sakethem to others , though hebe anenemie anddeferve it at our hands, ando slyfpe4e o f thofegoodthings inhimwhich f erne to preferveconcorde :for thiswee would that messfhould doeunto us. Tea, and let vs take heede that wee :edgenot or condemneanymans faytngor Cerafeff.ii.. doing rafhly. 4uguitne faith, that this was the care which his mother bad tawardes her enemies .To doe this is anotablepoint oftufl dealing, but in deedthere is noma utterlywithout thisfault in this lifèfuck is our wretched fiate in tht9 world. For thoughfame are ofthis mind, that theydefire not to haveother mens wantes tolde them , andwill not takeallinworfe,part ,yet if they be tolde and taken to worfe part of others , they can willingly Lerem.40. heare them, neither will they checke the teller, butfufer baa'defurmtfes to take place with them. RutGedaliah theTonne of Ahicham excelledin the contrarievertue, who chof rather to hazardehis 1fe, then to pleaevil? by Iimaell. This tale-bearing is the cómon table talk in England:& it is wonder.. full to fee, how thofè who are otherwife godly, are overtaken with it: but men mull learne to {landmore in awe ofGods commaundement, and allo to confider that the fame thing a man fpeakethof another, commeth home againe by his owne doore. Such as ufe tale-bearing and backbi in, , are by Gods lull iudgement paide home in the fame kinde :and hereupon Chrill faieth, hedge Not thatye benot judged,for with what iudgementyee fudge, yesfkallbe tucked. Wherefore when men, thall enter any evil' communication ofothers, we are to interruptit by other talks, as not regarding it. Here remem!,er, that when governours and magiflrates íhall ufe Gal at.3, hard words, not in the wayofdefamation , but for thereprooving of Mash.. avice, it is not to (launder: as,O foolsfh ralathsans:Ogeneration ofvipers. AndChrif tearmeth Herod,Foxe. CAP. VIII. Ofthebondes ofTrugth. rHusmuchofgrace in'fpeech.Now followed) bonds o{'truth,wLer. J. by the trueth ofour talke is tcilified and confirmed. There