Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofthe toisgut. 2.1 . T.-here are three: A (nple ailertion, an afieveration, anoath. A ffmple affertion,is either aPimple affirmation,asyea, yea :or a fitn- pienegation, as nay, nay. And theyare tobe ufed onely inour familiar and common talke<Letyew. communication beyea,yea; nay, nay: andwhat- mar, 3, foever is more, comsneth ofevil!. 1f the truthwhich we affirmc.or denie be doubtfull or contingent, then fuch claufes as there (It isfo, or, not %o & 1 thinke , as I remember, as 1 take it) are to be added. None (hall fay, It is fo, and afterwardes it prove otherwife,he receiveth difcredite,becaufehefpake an untruth.But ¡file (hall fay, l rhinke it iófo, though it fall out otherwife, yet he faveth. his credits, becaufe he deceiveth not, but only is deceived. Anafdeveration is a formeoffpeech, whereby one Both vehemently affirmeor deny any thing : as when a man (hall fly , Verify, in truth, in verytruth,withoutalldoubt, &c. There and fuch like are nottobe ufed 'ateveryword: but then onely when a truth ofgreater importance is to be confirmed. When the falle prophets amongthe fiewes.and the Prieffs wouldnot beleeve that Ieremiewas fent ofGod:what faith he?not rim, ply, TheLord bathPet me: but, In truth the Lordhathfeat me, Our Savi- our Chriuz, when he ufed to fpeake anyweightie matter, ufed to fay,,/ men,/lmen,I/erily,veri (y,which is a plaine of everation: for Amen is more then a Pimple affirmation,and it is lefre thenan oath, as the very fenceof the word doth import : which is no more, butTruely,Certaiaely. The third is an oth,which mutt not be madeby any thing in heaven or earth, but only by the Name ofGod alone. It mutt be ufed as the laft refuge and remedieof all. For when any truth ofgreat importance is to be confarméd, andall lignes, evidences, proofes,witneffes,faile amôgmen on earth: then we may lawfully fetch the Lord as awitnefle fromheaven, who is the knower ofall truth. And in thiscafe an orb may be taken; either publikely before a Ma- giflrate,or privately among private.perfons,if it be done with reverence Gem; and confideration,as it was betweene Iacob and Laban, CAP. IX. What is to be done when we have f a;Zen. A Fter a manhath fpoken his mind , very fewwordes moreare tobe IA added, He that hath knowledge fpareth his'words. Inmany wordes Prov.17.24, therecannot want inigssitie : but he that ri fraineth his lips is wife. He that 1peaket`'7 many words, fpe aketheither falfe things or fuper- fluous, or both: as when a river overfiowes, the water gatherethmuch flume: fo many words many faults.When a veffell being (mittenmakes agreat noire, it is a token that it isemptie : and fo the found of many E