Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

offiC.Li6,t. 1.fts. to.', 12 Thegovernment words fhewes a vaineheart. The Gentiles have faid , that God gave a manone tongue and twoBares, that he might heare more_and fpeake lefl-e.ValeriusMaximus reportethofXenocrares that being in the com- panyofCome thatufed railing fpeeches, held his tongue: and beingaf ked whyhe did fo, anfwered, That it hadrepented hire that he hadfinken, 6ut it never repented him that he hadheld hispeace. And theproverbe is, He that millfpeaewhat hewill, ¡hallheare what he would not. To the fra- mingofour fpeechAmbrofe requireth three things : a yoke,a ballance, and a metwand: a yoke,tokeepe it in flayed gravirie: a ballance,to give it weight ofreafon : a metwand, tokeepe it in meafure and moderation. This rule mull be praetifed carefully, for the avoiding of chiding, brawling, andcontention. Let nothinzbe done bycontentton,Phil. 2.3. Let {Indents and fchollers learnt to prafìife this : for what (hall another mans opinionhurt thee : though in reafoning he benot of thy mind in every point. Here take heede of the fpirit of ContradiE}ion , whereby Tome by thwartingand contradiEting every man, at lengthproove either obfIi- nate heretikes, or lewd Atheifis, andmake no bones to contradi 1 the holy Ghofl,and tocall the fcriptures in quefhion,and difpute that there is nr, God. Now if a man fpeake necefíàrie things, though bee continuehis fpeech till midnight, as Paul did, it cannot be called immoderate or fuperfluous talke. CAP. X. Of Writing. AL L this which is let downe concerning fpeech , muffas well be pral}ifed in writing as in (peaking. Whereby are condemned bal- lads, bookes of love, all idledifcourfes and biflories, being nothing elfe but enticements and baitsunto manifold finnes, fitter for Sodome and Gomorrah, then forGods Church. And it muff be followedas well in fpeakingofLatineor anyother tongue,as Enghtîh,which fludents have not marked : for whereas they will not fweare inEngiifh, yet in Latine theymake no bones ofit, laying, ü2leherculé, waists fidzúr, ddipol, per deosimmortales. Andwhereas they hold but one God in judgement, yet in their Latineexercifes they fpeakeofJupiter andof the immortali rods, after the manner ofthe heathen. What a fhame is this, that a Chriflian, and thatin Chriflian fchooles, fhould either be afhamed or not ufe tofpeake as a Chriflian, but as If thouhave many tonguesandknowefi not how toufe themwell : he which bath buthis mother tongue, ordering it aright, is a better linguifl then thou. CAP;