ofthe tongue. 23 CAP. XI. Of Silence. Vß(7 Ifeandgodly filence is as excellent a vertue as holy fpeech: for V he knowethnot how to fpeake which knoweth not how to hold his tongue. The ruleof ourfelencemutt be the lawof God. By 'manes ofwhich , wife confederation mull be had, whether the thing which we have in mind befor Gods glorie, andour neighbours good : which done, we areanfwerably to fpeakeor to befîlent. Here mult be confidered the things of which filence muff be ufed, and the perlons before whom. The things aremany. Firfi, ifany truth be to the hinderanceofGods glorie , or of thegoodof our neighbour, it mull beconcealed. Theconcealingof the truth is either in whole or in part. In whole, when.the fpeaking ofthe leall word is hurtful! : As for example, the fa- ..fr,s, .fld ther and theforme are both ficke at once: the fonne dieth firft,the father confer. askethwhether his fonne be dead or not : if itbe laid no , anuntruth is told : ifyea, then the fathers griefe is increafed , and his death battened : thereforefilence is thebelt. Indaies of perfecution holy Martyrs have chofen rather tofufer death then to reveale their brethren, that have beneoftheir private affemblies with them. Theconcealingof a thing in part is, when a man fpeaketh a little of the truth,and concealeth the refl. Which is warranted inall good and lawful! proceedings,whichmanifeftly tend to the glorieofGod. When Samuel is Pent to annoint David he anfwereth the Lord and fayth, How can Igo ? for if San/heareofa he w:ilk. llme. Thenthe Lordanfwe- r.Saan, e6. red, Talean heyfer with thee,andjay, l am come to doefacrificeto theLord: and call for Ifhai tofaèrafice, and I wigJhew thee what thou fbalt do, and thou fhalt annoint unto mehimwhom I fhall nameunto thee . When Iere- mie had fhewcd kingZedekiah how he might efcape death, then the king laid untohim , Let noman know of theft words, &c. but if the `Prin. Ierem.; S. ces underflandthat I have tapedwith thee, andtheycomeunto thee,ana' fay 24,25,Z6. unto thee , `Declare unto us what the /Zingbath_laid unto thee, &c. then (halt thous fayunto them, l humblybetught theking that hewouldnot cau/e me to returne to lehonathans houfe to die there. Andafterward he fo an- fwered, and thematter was not perceived.. The like was praftifed by Paul, A41s.23.6. Secondly thou art toconceale thine owne fecrets. Sampfon revealing his owne fecret, Iudg. i 4. overthrew himfelfe. Ifthoudefire cafe by re- ve?ling, then tell thembutto few,and to filchas are faithful!. That which thouwouldefi not have knowen, tell no man : for how ¡hall another keepe thycounfell,when thou canfl not doe it. Keepe thy friends fecret likewife , if it benot hurtfull : and let minifters conceals E iij