The government thefinnes andwantes that trouble the confcienceoffuchas are dying. Let magiflrates conceale things done in the Senate,cfpecially concer- ning i}varre,lefl theybe revealed to the enemy. lfGod bring any firange thing to pa (Fe, fpeaknot boldly ofit, but rather in filencewonder.Iob at the confiderataom ofGods Maieflie in his workes,faith, Behold, I vn vile: what (ball 1anfwere thee ? 1 aw<11 lay 'y handupon my motttb.Nadab& Abihu for offering incenfe with ftrange fire before the Lord,vvereboth deflroyed with fire, which being done Mofes told Aaron that Godwould befantified in them:that comenere hitn,&beglorifiedbefore all the people:& then the text faith, but Aar heldhispeace. When Peter had taught the Gentiles, and after returned to I-Iicrufalem , they ofthe circumcifion contended with him,: he then rendreth a reafon ofhis faf , which being made,they were filent. For fo &ets.t r,rS, the text is, When theyheard thefe things, they held theirpeace, andglori- fedGod.WhenGods judgementsbefall men amongus, ifwe fpeakany Plà1,4r °r. thing we mull iudge charitably. Rleffed is he thatitadgeth of the peore, the Lord (hall deliver him in the time oftrouble. Thirdly, the infirmities and finnes ofour neighboursare alwaies to be concealed, unleflfe it be in thecafe before named, that wee findeour Pro.':74 felves called ofGod to fpeake. Hee that covereth a,tranfgrefonfeebetd, love.If God in niercie cover his finnes, why fhouldefl thou rcveale Prov.r9.rr. -them?Salömon faith, It is the gloryofa man topare byaninfars,:tte. Fourthly,all unfeemely matters,all things unlcnowen, things which concernevs not,things aboveour reach are in filence to be buried. The perlonsbefore whonie.filençe muffbe uled, are thefe.LAlaliti, , ous enemies ofreligioi : Givenót that which 4holyuntodogs: nettherrafl Niar.17.r4. your pearles.before fwirìe. Thiswas among the rea onecaufeofthefi- lence ofChriflbefore Caiphas andPilate.l I.BeforeMagif}rates in their open courtes : where fuck as come before them are not to fpeake till Aa'°14°r O. they be bidden.Then Paulafter that thegovernourhad beckened unto hire . that he :Paid fpeake, anfivered. I I I. In the prefence of ourelders and betters,who mull have leaveand libertie tofpeake frrf},and mull ofo- Ecelus.3z.3. diets be heardwith frlence.;Thcpra&ífeofthis was inElihu to Eliphaz 3ob.31,6. Ecckrs.7.5. C. Tirus.t.9. and Bddad. Acompanie of mèn( as force fay) is like to the Alphabet, inwhich arc vowels,halfevowels,& funtes;vowels are old men,learned, wife,expert:halfe vowels,`are yong men & women, who are then only to fpeake when theyareaskecj:mutes,are the fameparties, who beingnot occafï:oned,are in filence toheare.their betters.Andthereall fervants and childrennull rernember,when theyare iuflly reprooved,tobefilent,& not to anfwere any thing-againe,'I I I I. Fooles and pratlers arcnot to beanfwered,unlc1Te it be to let them fee their folly. CA/_