Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

rove ,ta. Mon. z 6 Thegoverneheñt wasburnt. The fecond had the iaundfe from the head to the foie of the foote, and died thereof. The third feeing what was befallen thefe twaine, repented , and confefíed the confpiracie againfi Narcifis, and yet forall that heloft his. eyes. Againe,in thedayesofQaMary, as lamese.4bbes was led by the Shi- riffe to execution,diverfe poore people flood in the way and asked their aimes: he thennot havingany money to give them, did put off all his appareil favehis fltitt,andgave it unto thein,tofameonething,to tome another : in the giving whereofhe exhorted them to be flrong in the Lord, and to t}and fledfafi to the truthof the Gcfpell. Whilehe was thus inflruaing the people, a fervant of the Shiriffes going by , cryed out a loud, and blafphernouflyPaid Beleeue himnot good people, he is anhereticke, anda mad than outofhis wit : beleevehimnot,.for it is heretic that he faith. And as the other continued in his godly admo nitions,fo did this wicked wretch blow foorth hisblafphemous excla- mations, untili theycameunto the flake where he fhould Puffer. But immcdiatlyafter this martyr wasbound to the flake and fireput tohim, filch was the feareful flrokeofGods iuliceupon this blafphemous ray- ler,that he was there prefentiv in the fight ofal the people flricken with a frenfie, wherewith he had before raylingly charged that goodmartyr ofGod: who in this furious rageand ntadneffe,caffingoffhis fhoes and the refl of his clothes , cried out unto the people, and faid thus did laws 46bes the true fervant of God, who is faved , but I amdamned : and thus ratine heabout the towne ofBurk , íh11 crying, that 1461er e-lhber was a good man and laved, but I am damned. Againe, children fitting incompanietogether,fell into communica- tion ofGod, and to reafon what Godswas. And forcefaide one thing, forme another : among the ref', one fail , He is a goodold father : to which another, namedDensais Renficld,replyed with a moil outragions blafphemie: What, he(faid the) is anolddoting foole. But fhortlyafter this younggyrle was foflricken, that all the one fide ofher was blacke, and file became fpeechleffe, and died.. Againe, oneLeaveraplough-man, rayling, Paid that he raw the evill favoured knave Latimer when hewas burned : and Alf() indefpite, Paid, that he had teeth like an boric. At which rime and honre, as neere as could be gathered, the tonneof the laid Leaver mot' wickedly hanged himfel#e.:. Agattie,ln the time ofK;Edward, a younggentleman of Cornwall being in company with other moe gentlemen together with their fer- vants, beingabout thenumber oftwentie horfemen,among whom this luflie yenger entredinto talke, and beganne withall to fweare , andufe ribauldfpeech, being gently reprooved, the young gentleman tooke fnuffe,a.nd,Lid to the reproover, Why takeft thou thought for met take thought