Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e thetongue: 27 thought for thy winding Mate: well, quoth the other , amend, for death giveth no warning: for affoone commeth a lambs skinne to the market, as an old theepes skinne. Godswounds (raid be) carenot thou for me: raging Rill in this manner worfe and worfe in wordes, till at lengthpalingon their Tourney , they came ridingover a great bridge, flandin g over apieceofan arme ofthe fea,upon whichbridge this gen- tlenian [wearer fpurredhis horfe in filch fort , as he fprang cicalae over with theman onhis backe, who as he was going, cryed, Paying, Doric andman and all to the devil!. Againe, there wasa fervingman in Lincolnfhire,who had hill in bis P. Stubbes mouth an ufe to fweare Gods preciorts Aloud, and that for very trifles:be- booke print ingoften warnedby his friendsto leave the takingof the Lords bloud ted 1581' in vaine, didnotwithflanding till perfift in his wickednefl"e, until! at the laft it pleafed God to acite him firft with fiekneffe, and then with death : during which time oftheLords vifitation, noperfwafion could move him to repent his forefaid blafpheming, but hearing the bell to toll, did molt hardly in the very anguifh ofhis death , hart up in his bed, and fware by Gods blow! thisMI tolledfor me. Whereupon imme- diatly thebloud aboundantly fromall the ioynts ofhis bodie, as it were in ffreames , did iflue out moil fearefully from mouth, note, wrefles, knees, becks, and toes, with all other ioynts, not one left free , and fo dyed. There and filch like judgements muff be as warnings from heaven to admonifh us, and tomakeusafraid of theabufe of the Tongue: efpe- cially when it tended] to the difhonourof God. And we are to imitate theexample of`Poltearpe theMartyr, whowhen hewas bidden to take his oath, and curie Christ, anfwered, Fourefcore and fixe yeares have I bene his fervant, yet in all this time bath he net fo much as once hurt me : how thenmay I [peake evill of my King and Soveraigne Lord, whichbath thus prefervedme ? V I. Laffly, God bath honoured thy tongue with thegift of fpeech and utterance : and the great excellency of thissift thou íhouldeft perceive, if thou werefi ftricken durame for a time.Therefore let thy tongue beapplycd to the honouringof God, and to the good of thy neighbour. FIi1S.