Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4- =TQTHE RIGHT HONOVRABLE AND vertuous Ladie theLadle Lucie C.ounteffe of Bedford. He deathofthe righteous, that is, ofemery beleeaing and repentantßnner, isa molt excellent biding of God , andbrings withit many worthiebenefit,: which thing Iprooue on this manner. I. Godboth in the beginning and in the continuanceofhisgrace,doh greater things vnto bis fermatas then theydoecom- monlyas or thank!, andbecanfe he hathpromifd ayde and lrengthvnto them), therefore inwonder- frrllwi/dome hecaßethvponthem this beanie burden of death, that they might make experience what is the exceeding might and power ofhisgrace in their weakener. II. ludgement beginner at Godshoufet andthe righteous are laden withoflitlionsandtemptations in this life,andtbere- forein this worlde they bastetheir deaths andhells, that in death theymight not feele the torments ofhell andofdeath. III. WhenLazarus was deadChrif1 faide, He is not deadbut(leepeth hence it followeth that the Chriltian man can fay, c)Wygraueis mybeâde, my death is myfleepe: in deathI die not, but enely fleepo. ?t is thought that ofall terrible things death ismoll terrible: butit isfa f to them that be in Clirii , to whonme many things happenfarremore heauie and bitterthen death. IV. Death at thefir(l broughtforthAnne, but death in the righteotubymeaner ofChrifisdeafh,abolifhethgnne,becaufeit is theaccomplt(h. ment o fnortification.And death isfofarrefrom dejiroyingfisch asare inChrifl, that therecan he nobetterrefugefor themagainli death: for prefently after the deathofthe bodie,folorres theperfect freedomeof the((iirit,andtherefnrrettion ot'thebodie. V. Laßl, death isa meaner ofa Chrrtitan mans perfeElien, as Christi in his ovine example (hewetb,Paying,Behold I will cati out deuills, and will heale alit today and to morrow, and the third I will be perfected. Luk.ï.3L Now this perfet ionanthemembersofChriflis nothingelsbut thebleJJìng of Jod the anthour ofpeace,fan5lífyingtherm throughout,that their whole f Brits, and joules,and bodies maybepreferstedwithout blame to thecemming ofotr Lord le- j« Chrisi. A 2 Now