Nowhawing often thta confideredwithmyfelfe oftheexcedencieofdeath, I thoughtgood to dravv the femme and chiefe heades thereof into this fmall Treatif: the protetlionand confderationwhereof, Icommend toyourLadifip, defiringyou to accept o f it, and readitatyour leifore. IfIbe blamedfor writing Untoyou ofdeath,where4eby the cottrfe ofnatureyouare aetyet neeredeath, Sas lemon willexcuf me, whofaiththat wemull remember our Creator in the dais,: *fouryouth. Theca oepitagof jour H. goodacceptance, IprayGod tobleb this m GttleWow toparcomfortandfalvatson . Septern. 7. i 5 9 S. YourIL tntheLord,