ISEISIESMINSIM ECCLESIASTES 7.3. Theday ofdeath isbetter thentheday that one isborne. Hefewords are a rule or precept laiddowneby Sa- lon-son for weightie caufes. For in the chapters go- ing before hee fers forth thevanitie of all creatures vnder heauen ; and that at large in thevery particu- ¡ars.Now menhereuponmight takeoccafionofdif- contentment in refpeát of their elate in this life : therefore Salomon in great wifedome here,takes a new courfc,and in this chapter beginsto laydowne certainerules of direétion and comfort, that men might haue fomewhat wherewith to arme themfelues againft the troublesand the miferiesofthis life. The firfl rule is in this third verfe,that goal name is better then pretiatte o1ntmenr: that is,a name gotten andmaintained by godly conuerfation, is a ipeciall bleflìngofGod ,which in the midti ofthevanitiesof this 1ife,mini- firethgreater matter ofreioycing and comfort tothe heart ofman,then the tnof# pretiousoyntment can doe totheoutward fenfes. Now fome man ha- uingheard this firf} ruleconcerninggoodname, might obie&and fay, that renowme and good report in this hfeaffoards ílender comfort; confidering thatafier it,followes death, which is themiferable ende ofall men. But this obieetion theWife man remooueth by a fetondrule in the words which I haue inhand,fäying,that the dayofdeath is betterth:hcdy:ht one As borne. That we may come to the true and proper fenfe of this precept or rule, three pointes are to be eonfidered. Firi1, what is death herementioned : fecondly how it can be truly laid, that the day of death is better then the dayofbirth: thirdly inwhat refpea 1 it isbetter. For thefirfl,death isadeprivationoflifeas apunienmentordainedofGod and iimpofedon man for his hune. Firf1, I fay, it is a deprivation oflife, be- caufe the very nature ofdeath is the abíence or defeót of that life which God v -inchfafed man by hiscreation.i addefurrher,that death is a punifh- menr,moreefpccially to intimate the nature and qualitie ofdeath and to flaew, that it was ordained as a meanes ofexecution of gods iufliceand judgement. And that death is a punifhrnent, Paul plainelyauoucheth when he faith,that byone roanfnne ecatred into the world, and deathbyfnne.And a- gaiue,that death is thejiipend, wages, or allowanceoffinite. Furthermore in curry punifhment there be three workers: theordainer of ir, the procurer, and he executioner. Theordainer ofthis punifhixteut is God in the eflate A 3 of