Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 a +i ,.I as Mal ofmans innocenc ie , bya folemne law then made ¡nthefe verywords, Its theday that thou eateft thereof,thoufhaltdie thedeath,Gcn. x. a 7. But it may be alledged to thecontrary, that theLord faith by the Prophet Ezechief, Ezech.33.n. that bee artll dot the death ofa ,mter,and therefore that he is no ordaincr of death. The aufwer may eafily be made, and that fundry waies. Fir(l, the Lord fpeakes not this to all men orofallmen, but to his ownepeople the veil:« . churchof the lewes,as appears by theclaufeprefixed,Sonneofman,f yvnto thehoufe oflfrael,c .c. Again,the words arenot fpoken abfolutely but only in way ofcôparifon, in that of' the twainhe rather wills the conuerfion andre- pentanceofa tinner, thenhisdeath and de(lruc ion. Thirdly, the verypro permeaningofthewordesimportethus much, that God doeth take no_de- light orpleafure in the death ofa firmer, as it is the:wine anddetrallion of the creature. Andyet all this hinders not but that God ina newe regard and corrfderatinn mayboth will and ordaine death, namely, as it is a due and deferuedpunifhwent, tending to the executionof iuflice; in which iulbice God is as good as in his merde. Againe,it may beobieded , that ifdeath indeede hadbeene ordained ofGod, then Adam fhould haue beene de- flroied, and that prefently upon his fall. For thevery worriesare thus, whets foeuer thou (halt eate ofthefor6rddenfruite, thou(halt certenlydie.Anfwer. Sen- tences ofScripture are ether Legallor Euangelicall: thelawand theGofpell being two feuerall and diflin& panesofGods worde.Now this former fen- tence is legal' andmuff bevnderflood with an exception borrowed from the Cofpcll or the couenant of grace made with Adam,amd revealed to himafter hisfall. Theexception is this.Thon (bahcertenlydiewhenfoeuer thou eatefl the forbidden fruite, except I doe further glue thee a measesof deliuerance fromdeath, namely the feedeof the woman to bruife the fer- pents heade. Secondlyit may beanfwered, that Adamand all his pofleritie died, andchat prefently after his fall, in that his body was mademortal', and his foule became fubied$ to the curie of the law. Andwhereas Cod would not utterly def}royAdam at theveryEft, but only impofe on him thebeginnings ofthe fiat and feconddeath; he did the fame in great wil: dome,that in the midfl ofhis iuflicehe might make away tomercy: which thing could not haue beene ifAdam had perifhed. The executionerofthis punifhment is he that doth impofe and inflia the fame on man, andthat alto is God himfelfe, as he teflifieth of himfelfe ta.4 5',4 in theProphet Efai, Imake peaceand create euill. Now euill is of three forts: natural], morali, material]. Natural' evil', is the deflrucr3ion of that order whichGod fet in eucry creature by the creation. Morali euill, is thewant ofthatrighteoufnes andvenue which the law requires at mans hand; and that is called fiinne. Material' euill, is anymatter or thingwhich in it fe fe is a goodcreature ofGod,yet fo,as by reafonofmans fall it is hurtful' to the health and life ooman, as henbane, wolfebane, hemlock, andall other poi. Ions are. Now this raying ofEfai muff not be underflood of moral' culls, but offuch as areeither materiali or naturali; tothe latter ofwhich, death is