Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

is tobe referred, which is the deftruEtion or abolifhment ofmans nature created. Theprocurer ofdeath is mannot God; in thatmanby his finneand difo- bediencedid pull uponhimfelfe this punifhment. Therefore the Lord in 0feah,O Ifs^ael, onehathdef?royedahee,butanmeis thanehelpe.Againílthis itOka3.,. maybe obie6ted, that manwas mortali in the elate of innocencie before thefall. e.,a'nf The frame and compofrtion of mans body confidered in it felfewasmortall,becaufeit was made of waterand earth and otherele- rnentswhich areof themfelues alterable and changeable: yet ifwe refpeet thatgrace and blefsingvvhichGoddid vouchfafe mans body in his creati. on, it was unchangeable and imrnortall,and foby the fame blefsing fhould haue continued, if man hadnot fallen: and manbyhis fall depriving him- felfeof this gift and blefsing, becameeuery way mortall. Thus it appeares inpart whatdeath is: yet for the better clearingofthis point,we are toconfider thedifferenceof the deathofaman and ofa bean. The deathofa beaft is the totall and finall abolifhnaent of thewhole crea- ture : forthebody isrefolued to his firft matter,and the foule arifing of the temperature ofthe body,vanifhcth to nothing. Butin thedeathofman it is otherwifc. For though the body fora time be refolued to duff, yet mutt it rife againe in the lati judgement and become immortali: and asfor the foule, it fubttlethby it felfc out ofthe body and is immortali. And this be- ing fo, it may be demanded how the foule candie the fécond death. Ant, The fouledies,not becau`e it isutterly abolifhed:butbecaufe it is as though itwire not , and it ceafeth tobe inrefpeaof righteoufnes and fellowfhip withGod.And indeede this is thedeath ofall deaths, when the creature bath fubiitling and being,and yet for all that is depriúed ofall comforta- ble fellowfhip withGod. a The reafonofchis difference is,becaufe the fouleofa man is a fpirit or fpi- rituali fubitance,vvhereas the foule ofa beaft is no fubtlance,but a naturali vigour or quality, and bath nobeeing in it felfewithout thebody onwhich it wholly dependeth. The foule of mancontrariwife being createdof no- thingandbreathed into the body , and as well fubfifting forth ()fit as in it. The kinds ofdeath are two, as the kinds oflife are, bodily and fpirituall. Bodilydeath is nothingelfe but the feperationof the foule from thebody, asbodily life istheconiunttion of body and foule: and this death is called thefill, becaufe inrefpe loftinieitgoesbeforethefecond .Spiritualldeath is the feperation ofthewhole manboth in body and foule fromthe gracious fellowfhipof God. Oftbefe twain, the firft is butanentrance to death, and thefecond is the accompii fhment of it. For as the faule is the life of the body,foGod is the life ofthe foule, and his fpirit is the futileof ourfoules,& thewant of felIowthip with him brings' nothing butthe endlefie and un- fpeakeable honours andpangs ofdeath. Againe,fpirituail death bath three diflin6t and fellers"! degrees=Thefirft. is,whcn aman that is aline in tefpeet oftemporall life,lies dead in Lune. Of A 4 this