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¡alma .4. this degree Paul fpeakes whenhe faith,Brat¡beethat liueth inpleafitreis deade while fhrelruezh. And this is thecafe ofall men by nature,who are children q veryaway Pph,a.t, ofwrath and dead infa,-znes and trefpaf es. The feconddegree is the very ende ofthis life when the bodie is laid ¡lithe earth,and the Coule defcends to the place oftorment. The third degree is in thedayof iiudgertrent,when the bo- die and foule meeteagaineand goeboth to the placeofthe damned, there tobe tormentedfor ever and euer. Having thus found the nature and differences and kinder ofdeath, it is more then manifeff, that the textin hand istobe,vnderflood, notofthe fpi_ tituail but ofthe bodily death : becaufe it is oppofed to the birthor natiuitie ofman. The.words then muficarrie this fink : The timeofbodilydeath in which the bodie and foule of man are feveredafunder, isbetter then the time in which one is brought into theworld. Thus much ofthe firff point: now followeth the.fecond:and that is,how this canbe truewhich Salomon faith , that the day ofdeath if better then the dayofbirth, I make not this quel} ion, tocall the Scriptures intocontrouer- fie,which arc the truth it fèlfe,but I doe itfor this ende,that we might with- out wavering be refolued ofthis. which Salomon auoucheth . For there . may be fundrie rcafons brought to thecontrarie. Therefore let vs handle the queflion :thereafionsorobie6lions which may be allcadged to thecon. trarie,m.ay all be reduced to fixeheads. The firff is taken from theopinion ofwifemen, who thinke it, the bell thingofall neuerto be borne,andthe ttexebcll todie quickly. Now ¡fit be thebell thingin the_worldnot to be borneat all,then it is the worn thing that can be todie afteraman is borne. An! There be twoforts ofnien: oe,that liue and die in their finnes with- out repentance: theother, which vntainedly repent and beleeue in Chrili. Now this fentencemay be truly auouthed ache firthof whotne mayfay as Chriff laid of.Iudas, It had6eesaegoodforhim that hehadneuèr berme bonze. I3utthe flying applied to the fecond fort of men,is falfe. For ro them that in this life turnetoGod by repentance, the benchingofall is tobe borne. be- caufe their birth is adegree ofpreparation tohappines: and the next bell is to die quickely; becaufe by death they enter into poflfeffion of the fame their happines. For this caufèZalaarn dcíired todie the deathof the tigli. teous:and Salomon in this place prcferres theday of deathbefore the day ofbirth, vnderflanding that death which is ioyned with godly life, or the deathof the righteous. The fecondobieéion is taken from the teflinionies ofScripture. Death is,thewagesoffine,Rom.6.2 3. anerner, ieof(hrifl, I.Cor, Ty. and the etIle ofthe law. Hence it feemes to follow that in and by death,ren receiue their wages and pahnentfor their finites: that the day of-death is thedole. full day in which the enetniepreuailes arainflvs: that he which dieth is cur. led. e.4 ;,f. Wemuff di1iinguifh of death: it muff be confidcred twowages:, fill-tosit is by it felfe in his owne nature: fecondly,asitis alteredand chan- gedby Chrifi. Now death by it fells coniìdered, isindeede the wagesof fire;